Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E


obviously because your not interested in trying hard enough.

you could hang around for awhile, make some friends, gain some trust, and maybe someday someone will bless you. or you could just use google, place small orders, and eventually(hopefully sooner than later) find a reliable vendor.
Na I was talking about locally. I can't get anything online really except 2ci from that overpriced orion which I hear is sketchy at best. I just don't wanna waste time/money on fake sites. It really bugs me thinking some jackass is taking money for free.

farmer bill

ive looked everywhere! someone please just point me in the right direction to get started and please, please dont say google it.


Well-Known Member
I came up on orions or whatever its caled but after reading through here seems its not legit, googled it many different ways and no luck, tried googling some more, just got some info on the chem itself but nowhere to get it. How the hell do you get this stuff!? I love hallucinogens but damn it here in my area they are pretty much non existent, with the exception of some shitty as xo's that just feel like meth pills.. not enjoyable at all. So how many posts am I gona need to be let into this secret registration only circle of people that get to have this stuff?

farmer bill

i came up on orions or whatever its caled but after reading through here seems its not legit, googled it many different ways and no luck, tried googling some more, just got some info on the chem itself but nowhere to get it. How the hell do you get this stuff!? I love hallucinogens but damn it here in my area they are pretty much non existent, with the exception of some shitty as xo's that just feel like meth pills.. Not enjoyable at all. So how many posts am i gona need to be let into this secret registration only circle of people that get to have this stuff?


Well-Known Member odd it is that out of the blue...a few newbies try to piggy back the demand of rc vendor sites...dude, the most valuable information I can give u and any other informed member on this site will be to google the shit out of rc may have to use other terms on google to unscribe as you will vendor sites. No one will give u such information... For the point being to protect the credibility of the site, us...and foremost the vendor! It took me quite a while to find a few vendors that may be takes work and patience...searching for a few days and even a few weeks is not going to cut it! And tell me "freetrees" what tabs of 2c-b are you getting in your area. It sounds too good to be true... I know my rc's...and 2cb is not going around...most tabs you'll find are cut with 2c-i or 5-meo-dmt! Such as the outpressed aliens and outpressed spiders.

farmer bill

Member odd it is that out of the blue...a few newbies try to piggy back the demand of rc vendor sites...dude, the most valuable information I can give u and any other informed member on this site will be to google the shit out of rc may have to use other terms on google to unscribe as you will vendor sites. No one will give u such information... For the point being to protect the credibility of the site, us...and foremost the vendor! It took me quite a while to find a few vendors that may be takes work and patience...searching for a few days and even a few weeks is not going to cut it! And tell me "freetrees" what tabs of 2c-b are you getting in your area. It sounds too good to be true... I know my rc's...and 2cb is not going around...most tabs you'll find are cut with 2c-i or 5-meo-dmt! Such as the outpressed aliens and outpressed spiders.
i guess ill have to take your advice and keep on googling but what do you mean by unscribe?


Well-Known Member
I mean don't be so blunt when ur searching on google...don't always put "psychedelic rc drug vendors" or "research chemicals for sale"...those are too blunt...and most of the information you'll pull up is outdated...Orion is a croc of shit...and I'm surprised that domain is still open. Be selective with your wording...and do some digging on other drug forums...and you might find a short cut to where your headed!


I don't know the specifics of what the 2cb is like exactly. All I know is that last time I contacted someone about 2ci (because he had it the weekend before) he said it's not around right now but 2cb is. And I don't keep in regular contact with this guy, so I'm not gonna find out for a drug I'd rather not do compared to 2ci. But seriously I'm a computer guy, I'm good at googling, I find tons of sites, but I have no idea if one is legit or one is not, and I don't want to lose $100+ to a scammer to find out. And if I fuck up 5 times, that's way too much money.

I'm in Minneapolis, you're in LA. And I'm not dealing with the internet here. So is it surprising things are different? It could be cut though, but with how cheap it is to produce, why would they?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
But seriously I'm a computer guy, I'm good at googling, I find tons of sites, but I have no idea if one is legit or one is not, and I don't want to lose $100+ to a scammer to find out. And if I fuck up 5 times, that's way too much money.
Quick solution, do not fuck up.. I haven't. There is no reason anyone should, and if they do, they didn't take their time searching.


Well-Known Member
For all the by-lookers of rc's... Please be more resourceful and stop demanding vendor sites. Its not the best strategic way to go about a member of this site give beneficial aid to your fellow members and you may in turn receive help on the other end. Stepping on toes and intruding on private information will not gain you an inch in finding a legitimate vendor.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
For all the by-lookers of rc's... Please be more resourceful and stop demanding vendor sites. Its not the best strategic way to go about a member of this site give beneficial aid to your fellow members and you may in turn receive help on the other end. Stepping on toes and intruding on private information will not gain you an inch in finding a legitimate vendor.
Too true.

Matter of fact stepping on people toes for vendors may cost ya when someone dishes out a scam vendor's link to your ass for being annoying. haha


Well-Known Member
whats up guys :)

ive checked a few RC sites but i nervous about ordering and i dont know which one to go through...if someone could help that would be great..

if not its alrite i guess.



Well-Known Member

The only information we can give or aid you in has already been posted on this thread several times. Revealing vendor sites could be extremely detrimental to the operation of a vendor. As unindentified customers could be utilized as sting operations...this is a highly underground source that cannot be viewed in a public matter. Its a trial and error process...luck may be at your side in the first order...the only way to find out is to go through witht the order!


Well-Known Member

The only information we can give or aid you in has already been posted on this thread several times. Revealing vendor sites could be extremely detrimental to the operation of a vendor. As unindentified customers could be utilized as sting operations...this is a highly underground source that cannot be viewed in a public matter. Its a trial and error process...luck may be at your side in the first order...the only way to find out is to go through witht the order!


Oracle of Hallucinogens
whats up guys :)

ive checked a few RC sites but i nervous about ordering and i dont know which one to go through...if someone could help that would be great..

if not its alrite i guess.

cali-high, throw me a PM I'll tell you if they are scams or legit.. I'd help you in a thread but it would be innapropriate.