Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

2-ci is pretty weak if u ask me and whatever u do don't snort it, it's most often cut with weight protein and will burn like a bitch! 2-ci is used in some carpet cleaners also (pretty nasty) the visuals are constant and fade in and out. the visuals remind me more of mushrooms (melty-like) it has amphetamine in it but doesn't bother if your sensitive to such things. there is alot of 2-cB around now i haven't heard of E tho. i see 2-cI and 2-cB to be more of a background drug, it's good when u got some L or something to mix with it cause 1. it takes a while to kick in and 2. it fades in and out. kinda makes me mad, I'd much rather have some L. I'm sure 5-meO-DMT could really spice up the 2-c whatever! have fun but don't eat too much of that stuff you never know what that stuff will do to u after all it is a "RESEARCH" chem. you could grow a fucking horn or something one day! try some liquid DOC its pretty good if u like that kinda stuff. i didnt like the DOC paper but something about the liquid was like a smacky roll but with tons of visuals. DOI is bad tho unless u wanna go insane and kill a bunch of people!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys,

This is the first time I have even heard of this 2c-I/2-cB, I know it is not Kosher to talk about where to get this stuff so let me ask some other Q's:

What is a dossage volume? GHB = tablespoon or LSD = dropplet
What is the typical volume it is sold in? (I had a 2.5L bottle of GHB years ago when it was still legal)
what is the typical cost? (If I go on the hunt for it, I don't want to get jacked on the price)

Any other suggestions or info would also be appriciated, (hell I hint on where to start the hunt, besides google) this stuff has an appealing description 1/2e 1/2 lsd = nice

thanks for the info guys


Well-Known Member
I've never really had my visuals fade in and out before, unless i'm shrooming. The come-up/peak/come-down on all the PEA's I've taken were all steady and never came in waves. It's always been constant visuals from the time it hits till the time it leaves. Just my experience with them though, could be different for different folks.


Active Member
Whats up thread, i was wondering if there were still any legit suppliers around and if someone could pm me the deets on that. I hate to be "this guy" but I'd really like to hear a source from someone whos already purchased from them before, before i waste good couple hundred.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
"2-ci is pretty weak if u ask me"

Compared to what? What dosage did you take?

"and whatever u do don't snort it, it's most often cut with weight protein and will burn like a bitch!"

If it is cut with anything, you have a horrible supplier. Phenethylamines are known to burn.

"2-ci is used in some carpet cleaners also (pretty nasty)"

Source please?

"it has amphetamine in it but doesn't bother if your sensitive to such things."

Not true. Matter of fact, none of the 2c-x's "have amphetamine in them".

2c-i = 2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenethylamine, amphetamine is alphamethyl phenethylamine. So phenethylamine may be a base structure to amphetamines, but it is not an amphetamine per se.

"DOI is bad tho unless u wanna go insane and kill a bunch of people!"

What? I don't even have a comment for this one.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys,

This is the first time I have even heard of this 2c-I/2-cB, I know it is not Kosher to talk about where to get this stuff so let me ask some other Q's:

What is a dossage volume? GHB = tablespoon or LSD = dropplet
What is the typical volume it is sold in? (I had a 2.5L bottle of GHB years ago when it was still legal)
what is the typical cost? (If I go on the hunt for it, I don't want to get jacked on the price)

Any other suggestions or info would also be appriciated, (hell I hint on where to start the hunt, besides google) this stuff has an appealing description 1/2e 1/2 lsd = nice

thanks for the info guys
No info for a newbie to this? I am not looking for written directions but a little help would be nice. I have found a place online but I don't know about there reliability at 79.90 per 100mg it seems hefty.

any help at all would be nice, even a discreet PM will work.


Well-Known Member
Cerberus, the best newbie place to go to find out about these things is erowid. It'll tell you everything you need to know on the subject. 80 ducks for 100 mgs sounds pretty pricey to me. If thats for any 2cx, then look somewhere else as that is a complete rip off. Typical price for those would be around 100-150 USD for a gram.

I'm pretty curious about the 2c-i in carpet cleaners too, and being cut with weight protein. I know this isn't true, but I want to know where that guy got that info from. Sounds pretty retarded to me. Almost sounds as if he just made some shit up.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I'm pretty curious about the 2c-i in carpet cleaners too, and being cut with weight protein. I know this isn't true, but I want to know where that guy got that info from. Sounds pretty retarded to me. Almost sounds as if he just made some shit up.
lol that's why I called him out in his post.


Well-Known Member
That guy was an affliate against the consumtion of rc's...a new government agency which strictly watches the manufacturing of new designer drugs...they build that type of propoganda to scare the general public away...lols

Does that sound like a sure is!!!!

Dude!!!! 2c-i in carpet cleaners...if that was the case...I'm gonna go to Sams Clubs and buy a whole barrel of it ;)