Well-Known Member
Eh. Why? When I have a alphabetical soups of goodies on hand. 2c-p has many downs in my opinion!
You shouldn't be so opinionated about something you don't know shit about.Eh. Why? When I have a alphabetical soups of goodies on hand. 2c-p has many downs in my opinion!
Oh come on!!LoL, no...
Do people honestly still come to this thread, register, and ask for a source? Do people honestly still believe that OrionZone is legit? Do people honestly think just because they beg they will get a source? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT EVEN IF SOMEONE WANTED TO PM YOU A SOURCE THAT THEY ACTUALLY COULD? You only post one message, and you think you have PM privileges? You need like 75 posts and a few +reps before you can even be PM'd! Fucking newbies.....Hello, I would greatly appreciate a pm to a decent vendor that can supply me with 2c's (and dmt if possible). I am a fairly experienced user of phenethylamines and tbh i'm getting quite bored of the standard drugs that are floating around my area (mdma, ketamine, mephedrone). I went through a period of just consuming acid, dmt and 2c's for a few months, now my a-level exams are coming to a close and I think my mind should be exercised by other means.
I have connections to a few vendors but tbh the prices are way to high and i aim to take fairly high doses, it will rinse my bank account ($350 or so a g for 2c's, stupid amount for dmt). So help a fella out and pm me, otherwise, fair enough.
edit - and yes i've just joined (literally right now) to get this info, however, i spent half of last year researching this spider's web of scams and deceit; and its impossible to be connected to every forum, that would just be confusing and time consuming. So, just for establishments sake, I'm not a lurking bastard. pm me, thanks.
Ah right there's 2 comments directed towards me... didn't see the first one. Funny how i knew that that guy was impressionable, he left that comment straight after you pointed out the 'apparent flaws' of my message, little fucker.
anyway! no, its not the classic orion zone, i'm not a jobsworth. Also, I assume you weren't referring to me when you mentioned the begging part because, and it is clearly so, i wasn't. I was merely asking nicely in a clear and coherent fashion whilst establishing the fact that I actually have the mental capacity and past experience to deal with these drugs.
However, you were right about the personal messaging issue, which i must say, is just silly. Fuck me if i'm going to leave 75 comments with you clicky fucks everywhere. The truth is, you spend your time on these forums talking about your research chemicals, claiming people are noobs and openly discussing the measly 24mg dose you took last week that fucked your head up beyond repair. Your all pretty gay, lets face it lol. I mean at least do quarter of a g or something to redeem yourselves.
But then again, maybe I'm wrong.
-.-Ah right there's 2 comments directed towards me... didn't see the first one. Funny how i knew that that guy was impressionable, he left that comment straight after you pointed out the 'apparent flaws' of my message, little fucker.
anyway! no, its not the classic orion zone, i'm not a jobsworth. Also, I assume you weren't referring to me when you mentioned the begging part because, and it is clearly so, i wasn't. I was merely asking nicely in a clear and coherent fashion whilst establishing the fact that I actually have the mental capacity and past experience to deal with these drugs.
However, you were right about the personal messaging issue, which i must say, is just silly. Fuck me if i'm going to leave 75 comments with you clicky fucks everywhere. The truth is, you spend your time on these forums talking about your research chemicals, claiming people are noobs and openly discussing the measly 24mg dose you took last week that fucked your head up beyond repair. Your all pretty gay, lets face it lol. I mean at least do quarter of a g or something to redeem yourselves.
But then again, maybe I'm wrong.
Cliqué dude, cliqué.
I guess that makes you the impressionable one then doesn't it.You can understand by the cock-handed and juvenile comments of some of the users that I got that impression, no?