Supreme Court rejects Texas' effort to repeal Democracy. Trump says he will appeal to a higher authority


Well-Known Member
“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the Supreme Court’s order reads. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.”


Well-Known Member
Supreme Court rejects Texas' effort to overturn election in fatal blow to Trump legal blitz to stop Biden
The court's ruling was essentially a unanimous rejection of the Texas claims.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday brushed aside the lawsuit filed by Texas that sought to overturn Joe Biden's election victory in four battleground states.

President Donald Trump called the case "the big one," and 126 of the 196 Republicans in the House urged the court to take it. But the justices acted quickly to turn it down.

"Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections," the court said in a brief unsigned opinion.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito said the court had no authority to refuse a case filed on its original docket, where one state files to sue another. But they said the would not have granted Texas any other relief and expressed no view on any of the issues raised in the lawsuit.

So the ruling was essentially a unanimous rejection of the Texas claims.

Supporters of the Trump campaign saw the Texas suit as their best hope for derailing a victory for Joe Biden before the actual presidential vote is cast by the Electoral College on Monday.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Wonder if that "water main break" that stopped the vote counting in Georgia got fixed yet ? Odd that the states named in the suit all had coincidental "stops" about the same time and miraculously all overcame great odds to flip the vote by morning.

Probably just a coincidence though.


Well-Known Member
This is hilariously sad.

Seriously, we have a president who is trying to literally upend democracy, we have Americans who will gladly hand over the power to live in an autocracy that seems to fit their world view. Its a fucking trip.

This is literally what the founders cautioned against, when they drafted the constitution, the founders were asked as they were leaving the constitution center what type of government they had drafted and Franklin responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."


Well-Known Member
Wonder if that "water main break" that stopped the vote counting in Georgia got fixed yet ? Odd that the states named in the suit all had coincidental "stops" about the same time and miraculously all overcame great odds to flip the vote by morning.

Probably just a coincidence though.
LOL, coincidence dont mean fucking shit.

Correlation doesnt equal god damn causation. :wall:

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
LOL, coincidence dont mean fucking shit.

Correlation doesnt equal god damn causation. :wall:
While the statement "correlation doesn't equal causation" may be accurate, it might not be the best response to the matter at hand.

I'm not a fan of either Trump or Biden and find much to dislike about both of them.


Well-Known Member
While the statement "correlation doesn't equal causation" may be accurate, it might not be the best response to the matter at hand.

I'm not a fan of either Trump or Biden and find much to dislike about both of them.
um...water main

Both happened at around the same time and it may even seem at first glance to be related or even have possibly a cause/effect. However after diving into the details and nitty gritty, they are completely unrelated...

Seems relevant to me..


Well-Known Member
Wonder if that "water main break" that stopped the vote counting in Georgia got fixed yet ? Odd that the states named in the suit all had coincidental "stops" about the same time and miraculously all overcame great odds to flip the vote by morning.
I thought it was odd that the states named were all states trump lost. I thought it was odd that everything on these ballots was ok except the presidential part. I thought it was odd that when the Democrats decided to steal the election they would purposely lose seats in Congress. Weird huh? Guess these were all coincidences too.

There was definitely something fishy going on in Georgia though. Each time they recount, Biden gains more votes.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
um...water main

Both happened at around the same time and it may even seem at first glance to be related or even have possibly a cause/effect. However after diving into the details and nitty gritty, they are completely unrelated...

Seems relevant to me..

So you are confident that a forensic examination of voting machines would yield no evidence of vote flipping then ?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I thought it was odd that the states named were all states trump lost. I thought it was odd that everything on these ballots was ok except the presidential part. I thought it was odd that when the Democrats decided to steal the election they would purposely lose seats in Congress. Weird huh? Guess these were all coincidences too.

There was definitely something fishy going on in Georgia though. Each time they recount, Biden gains more votes.
It's not odd, why would Trump want to investigate states he "won" and kept as wins ? It makes sense he would want to investigate the ones he was winning in, until they shut down and then reopened the next morning with "coincidental" changes.

Congress doesn't matter if you own enough congress critters from both major parties.
For instance, Mitt Romney is a "republican" . Pffft.

What is happening here is many people are adopting a utilitarian partisan attitude to the election process rather than looking at it from a disinterested third party perspective. If the circumstances were reversed and Trump "stole" the election from Biden, those people would want Dominion machines to be fully examined etc.

I want the entire political process to be examined and rejected, so I AM that disinterested third party. This election had major fraud and possibly will lead to bloodshed. I will continue to grow turnips and be happy while I watch the slaves bickering. Interesting times are coming.