Supreme Court rejects Texas' effort to repeal Democracy. Trump says he will appeal to a higher authority

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
um...water main

Both happened at around the same time and it may even seem at first glance to be related or even have possibly a cause/effect. However after diving into the details and nitty gritty, they are completely unrelated...

Seems relevant to me..
Left wing lier, there is proof everywhere ........ we’ll show you..........ummm, very soon!


Well-Known Member
Careful with that nut that works at your shop. Those are the ones I worry most about.

Cant fix crazy.
Yeah, I am particularly worried about him lately. Yesterday I passed by him and he was crowing about Ohio signing on to this latest Trump gambit. I can't resist so I said "what do you think the odds of that working are?" and he replied 70%. I told him he is delusional (I am not very good at not speaking my mind). So today I asked him how that worked out for him and he says "we have a new salute back here" (he works waaaay in back) and flips me a Hitler salute. A fucking Hitler salute, no shit - at work.

The thing is, he was hired on as a seasonal worker and in January we are going to be making cuts in the seasonal staff. Some will go on to be permanent and will have a nice, union job with a track to lead to one of the few remaining jobs with cushy union benefits, pension and all the trimmings that will allow somebody without an education to get an in-ground pool and an upper middle class lifestyle. He probably won't. He's a poor worker and we have to wake him up to come to work about twice a week. I know from shop talk, that he thinks he's already a permanent employee so there is going to be a problem.

I literally have imagined a shooter scenario with him just this morning and have started to prepare for this possibility in my mind. Probably not going to happen - he would probably oversleep.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am particularly worried about him lately. Yesterday I passed by him and he was crowing about Ohio signing on to this latest Trump gambit. I can't resist so I said "what do you think the odds of that working are?" and he replied 70%. I told him he is delusional (I am not very good at not speaking my mind). So today I asked him how that worked out for him and he says "we have a new salute back here" (he works waaaay in back) and flips me a Hitler salute. A fucking Hitler salute, no shit - at work.

The thing is, he was hired on as a seasonal worker and in January we are going to be making cuts in the seasonal staff. Some will go on to be permanent and will have a nice, union job with a track to lead to one of the few remaining jobs with cushy union benefits, pension and all the trimmings that will allow somebody without an education to get an in-ground pool and an upper middle class lifestyle. He probably won't. He's a poor worker and we have to wake him up to come to work about twice a week. I know from shop talk, that he thinks he's already a permanent employee so their is going to be a problem.

I literally have imagined a shooter scenario with him just this morning and have started to prepare for this possibility in my mind. Probably not going to happen - he would probably oversleep.
Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 4.45.35 PM.png

You know his schedule, put a x-mile radius alert on your phone....

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 4.47.18 PM.png


Well-Known Member
My guess is he tries to nukes San Francisco and NYC because they voted against him therefore they are an enemy of the state.
no joke

He's going to deliver some retribution in some way before he's forced to leave the office for good.

He'll probably lock a fish carcass in a desk drawer somewhere too. I don't think any form of revenge is too big or too small for him. We need to distract him. Maybe we should start impeachment proceedings?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"freedom" is based on perspective

He is, but i respect him a little more cause at least he stood up to the trump, the bigger douche bag. It seems like to me his views on freedom are the same as yours, thats why he stood up the the leader that was being imposed on him and his party.
I politely disagree that Mitt Romney and I have a similar view of freedom, we are philosophically from square one, a great distance apart.

It appears we agree both Mitt and Trump are douche bags, who outranks who in that contest I leave for others to decide.


Well-Known Member
It may just be fluff-science. Still though, having watched Trump's presidency, his cycles of rage and retaliation seem to have the look of somebody who gets off when he has his moment of revenge.
Doesn't look like fluff science to me, looks rather serious with objective evidence, needs more work, but this looks solid based on the abstract and the rigor indicated. Generally a guy like this won't take fluff science seriously, much less publish an article based on it, even a political one. Also from my perspective, it "feels right", but that ain't worth shit! :lol:

The same patterns of neural coactivation were observed in those addicted, it's only a correlation though and it might be much more true for a certain subset of the population, perhaps the same percentage with addiction issues. One thing is for sure, retaliation is normal in human communities, it is the first line of defense in social justice and where no justice exists. No justice, no peace, means retaliation and there must be psychological systems that anticipate reward for these acts. However like in addiction the anticipation of the reward often exceeds the actual reward and may in fact cause pain and remorse in some people when they harm or kill an enemy.

The anticipation of reward is very important in evolutionary survival and addiction hijacks' this system through repeated conditioning. We see a piece of fruit in a tree across the river and our anticipation of that reward causes up to swim the river, climb the tree and eat the fruit, but the pleasure of attainment does not last long, it can't.

James Kimmel, Jr. is a lecturer in psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine, co-director of the Yale Collaborative for Motive Control Studies


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am particularly worried about him lately. Yesterday I passed by him and he was crowing about Ohio signing on to this latest Trump gambit. I can't resist so I said "what do you think the odds of that working are?" and he replied 70%. I told him he is delusional (I am not very good at not speaking my mind). So today I asked him how that worked out for him and he says "we have a new salute back here" (he works waaaay in back) and flips me a Hitler salute. A fucking Hitler salute, no shit - at work.

The thing is, he was hired on as a seasonal worker and in January we are going to be making cuts in the seasonal staff. Some will go on to be permanent and will have a nice, union job with a track to lead to one of the few remaining jobs with cushy union benefits, pension and all the trimmings that will allow somebody without an education to get an in-ground pool and an upper middle class lifestyle. He probably won't. He's a poor worker and we have to wake him up to come to work about twice a week. I know from shop talk, that he thinks he's already a permanent employee so there is going to be a problem.

I literally have imagined a shooter scenario with him just this morning and have started to prepare for this possibility in my mind. Probably not going to happen - he would probably oversleep.
Velcro a holster to the side of your desk next to your leg, shoot your first two rounds through the desk, if required and fire continuous aimed 2 round busts until you feel safe. Live by the sword, die by the sword. A sad situation that you would even have to think about doing such a thing to protect yourself and others.


Well-Known Member
I’m pretty sure they have him carrying the empty training football. “Yes Mr. President, careful with that fully functional briefcase”...... ehehehe....moron.
The officer who carries the football was instructed to give no help in figuring it out, besides it goes to the pentagon first. If his sycophant tried to issue an order he would be arrested, or simply shot between the eyes by the chief of staff or some other general officer. Joe Biden's first pardon and congressional medal of honor recipient.