Supremes: LGBTQ Landmark Decision

I want my kids to “self determine” by getting fired for being born how they are too

That makes sense

Except to insist another person associate with you, even when they prefer not to, is a violation of that persons right to self determine.

You aren't applying an equal right, when you force your terms on other people. You are applying force against an unwilling person, which is an action creating an inequality. (removal of self determination)

Only voluntarily made mutual agreements where BOTH parties self determine to interact on a mutually agreed to basis are instances of equal rights being applied. Each are equally free to accept the terms or to chose not to.

Being gay is a variable, it isn't relevant to what is or is not a mutual agreement. It could just as easily be being left handed, or being flatulent or being an imbecile. A mutual agreement when two parties are involved is the constant which you remove when you use your erroneous word smithed "equal rights" terminology.

As an aside. you have an infantile illogical outlook and often fail to refute the salient points others make, substituting your whining incessantly for an argument. That means you're dumb and probably have on dirty underwear. One of those things you were born with and can't help.
“You’re fired because you’re gay”

“Excellent. I am self determining”

Time for the nursing home, mush brain
“You’re fired because you’re gay”

“Excellent. I am self determining”

Time for the nursing home, mush brain
Let me make sure I don’t leave out letters so not to confuse you. Talking shit is the sign someone has been defeated. You have no real comeback. Except to make fun of spelling. Keep believing the false narrative. Maybe be a better role model for whoever is having issues being gay and stop blaming trump. Snowflake. How’s my spelling?
I’m using my brain. Your just upset now and want to be grammar patrolling me. Facts can hurt, sorry. Toughen up, or as I like to say” Man up”!
Let me make sure I don’t leave out letters so not to confuse you. Talking shit is the sign someone has been defeated. You have no real comeback. Except to make fun of spelling. Keep believing the false narrative. Maybe be a better role model for whoever is having issues being gay and stop blaming trump. Snowflake. How’s my spelling?
40 million unemployed
6 trillion dollar deficit
115 thousand dead
Calls neo nazis very fine people

You: but cnn!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a cuckold
I’m using my brain. Your just upset now and want to be grammar patrolling me. Facts can hurt, sorry. Toughen up, or as I like to say” Man up”!

I’ve never heard an American say “do outsource”

Tell your supervisor you need to be transferred now, Sergei
Sounds like someone watches too much CNN. Trump has helped, any business owner should see that. Like him or not he has better policies. Government should not be involved with everything like you want it too. Only the “victims” complain.

then you should move here and cast your vote.
Are you saying that any disagreement with the constitution is an indication of being wrong ?
No. I’m asking what the point is in asking someone to show you how your argument is unconstitutional only to disregard the constitution itself, when they show you.

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