Suspended Planter 600w Cool Tube + DS300 LED


Well-Known Member
excellent set-up roomie for fucks sakes why cant everyone who posts for the first time be even close to this guys? Yeah i know a good thing when i see it so yeah subbed! Ya, know i have a similar kooltube and my local hydro dealer is always trying to put me on to a led (im a t-5 man ) maybe i will buy one and use it in conjunction with the kooltube throughout flowering too? Couldnt hurt throwing those spectrums at the ladies during flower, yes yes ill find ways to rationalize the energy consumption! lol! awesome thread my man!
Woah, woah. There are still plenty of ways in which I can fuck this up royally. lol But thank you, and welcome aboard. :)

I love my LED for veg. It's efficient for the longer light schedules and grows better/faster/stronger than CFL or fluorescent. It's also shit in your pants expensive.


Well-Known Member
Not quite yet. It's been an even stretch since day 7. Nothing special to report. I just wanted to document the presence of pistils. ;)


Well-Known Member
Not quite yet. It's been an even stretch since day 7. Nothing special to report. I just wanted to document the presence of pistils. ;)
Are you taking pictures from the same spot looking at the screen every time so you can date time lapse the growth on the screen? That sonds like the intro to a montage in the works...jazz hands, yaah!


Well-Known Member
Temperature is stabilized! This may seem stupid to post, but this grow is about the fundamentals and my nighttime temps have annoyed me for a year now. Instead of the thermostat, I just bought a $16 space heater from THD that included a 'low heat' and 'low fan' setting, and put it on a timer inside my closet. It turns on 5 minutes after lights out, and shuts off 5 minutes before lights on. The heater settings are dependent on outside temps, but whatever. (it's 1 degree right now)

It only got up to 77 because I was working on the closet last night. Actual high is 75.5. :mrgreen:

SCROG pics coming soon! Off to train..



Well-Known Member
Awesome man, can't wait to see the pics. I've had to have a space heater running for the last month. I just set the thermostat on the heater during the day when the lights are on and its warm so that it is just below that daytime temp. I never wanted to bother wiring an actual thermostat and all that either.

I decided to get my journal back up and going today, posted up an update.


Well-Known Member
Are you going to use the leds for flower with the hps?
I wanted to use the LED as a supplement, but there's no room left in my closet. Since the Diamond Series needs at least 18 inches of headroom (more like 20), I'd have to change my setup to accommodate both lights. Next time. :)


Well-Known Member
Day 16 of 12/12

The plants have stretched a lot during the last couple days. I have been training non-stop to maintain an even canopy, but it's at the point where I feel like I'm damaging the flowers (I've snapped two stems since yesterday). So, other than some minor tuck and pulls over the next couple days, I believe the majority of training is over.

Sorry for the HPS pics. I'll get green shots before too long.

I wish I would have vegged for the larger screen. Meh, lesson learned.


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking great for sure. Sounds like you made the right call if they are getting brittle to train its prolly time to stop, and you have little flowers now so its a good time anyway. As far as veggin to the larger screen, it was a after thought, but now you know for next run you can have a notably larger screen to work with. Personally this is about the time I'd start removing the lower growth under the screen. I don't like to take a bunch of stuff off at once, I usually remove just a few leaves or stems at a time. Just my 2 cents, you are obviously doing a fabulous job on this grow on your own.


Hey Roomie. They look happy.

I try to do my training right before a 'flood' cycle while the plants are a little 'limp'. Less accidental breakage that way, but I still snap stems occasionally. I've broken 2 far on my grow.

Don't worry about filling your screen. I can't tell the dimensions real well from the pictures, but the one light may not get much light way out on the edges. Maybe you can retrain some of the branches? The middle looks like it could be getting crowded, can you move more branches out to the sides? I forget how far into flowering you are. If you're more than 2 weeks in, just let them finish. If not, you might be able to spread the nodes out a bit under that screen. I remember one time, way back when I grew before, I unthreaded my entire screen to make some changes. I was using trays, but it was still pretty similar to yours. I needed to lower my trays/tables, and therefore the net as well. I could have done them together, but I also moved the net closer to the trays. I was trying to increase my vertical space. Anyway, I know a scrog can be 'redone' mid grow. It IS a major pita though, and you WILL break off a few nodes doing it. Only you can decide if it's worth all the effort. In my case, I needed the vertical space, and I was still in the stretch phase, so it was worth it to me.

Can't wait to start seeing frosty buds in there :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking great for sure. Sounds like you made the right call if they are getting brittle to train its prolly time to stop, and you have little flowers now so its a good time anyway. As far as veggin to the larger screen, it was a after thought, but now you know for next run you can have a notably larger screen to work with. Personally this is about the time I'd start removing the lower growth under the screen. I don't like to take a bunch of stuff off at once, I usually remove just a few leaves or stems at a time. Just my 2 cents, you are obviously doing a fabulous job on this grow on your own.
This is great advice and they are looking really good bro! That add on was a sweet idea :):):)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, looking great for sure. Sounds like you made the right call if they are getting brittle to train its prolly time to stop, and you have little flowers now so its a good time anyway. As far as veggin to the larger screen, it was a after thought, but now you know for next run you can have a notably larger screen to work with. Personally this is about the time I'd start removing the lower growth under the screen. I don't like to take a bunch of stuff off at once, I usually remove just a few leaves or stems at a time. Just my 2 cents, you are obviously doing a fabulous job on this grow on your own.
Too kind, too kind. Somehow, I got it in my head that I should wait until day 22 to trim anything, but I like your idea better. This shit is out of control.

Hey Roomie. They look happy.

I try to do my training right before a 'flood' cycle while the plants are a little 'limp'. Less accidental breakage that way, but I still snap stems occasionally. I've broken 2 far on my grow.

Don't worry about filling your screen. I can't tell the dimensions real well from the pictures, but the one light may not get much light way out on the edges. Maybe you can retrain some of the branches? The middle looks like it could be getting crowded, can you move more branches out to the sides? I forget how far into flowering you are. If you're more than 2 weeks in, just let them finish. If not, you might be able to spread the nodes out a bit under that screen. I remember one time, way back when I grew before, I unthreaded my entire screen to make some changes. I was using trays, but it was still pretty similar to yours. I needed to lower my trays/tables, and therefore the net as well. I could have done them together, but I also moved the net closer to the trays. I was trying to increase my vertical space. Anyway, I know a scrog can be 'redone' mid grow. It IS a major pita though, and you WILL break off a few nodes doing it. Only you can decide if it's worth all the effort. In my case, I needed the vertical space, and I was still in the stretch phase, so it was worth it to me.

Can't wait to start seeing frosty buds in there :smile:
Actually, Mr. Hiker, I have been heeding your advice all along and only training before floods. :) I have definitely noticed the difference in malleability of the stems until just a few days ago. Now the kids are breaking in half and their little flowers get smashed into the wire, and it makes me cry. I considered relocating entire branches to the sides, but I'm going to play it safe for now. I'll keep training sparingly throughout the weekend. Thank you!

This is great advice and they are looking really good bro! That add on was a sweet idea :):):)
You guys are a class act. Thanks for the support.


Well-Known Member
Too kind, too kind. Somehow, I got it in my head that I should wait until day 22 to trim anything, but I like your idea better. This shit is out of control.

Actually, Mr. Hiker, I have been heeding your advice all along and only training before floods. :) I have definitely noticed the difference in malleability of the stems until just a few days ago. Now the kids are breaking in half and their little flowers get smashed into the wire, and it makes me cry. I considered relocating entire branches to the sides, but I'm going to play it safe for now. I'll keep training sparingly throughout the weekend. Thank you!

You guys are a class act. Thanks for the support.
Thanks man anytime :)image.jpg:):)


Well-Known Member
Some Friday night reading and scheming.

British scientists reveal plants really do talk


"Her research also involved placing sweet fennel - known to release chemicals that hamper the growth of other plants - near chili see_ds. When the chemicals were allowed to reach the chili see_d, their growth was hampered as expected. But when the chemical was prevented from reaching them, they grew faster than expected. The scientists believe the faster-growing see_ds were still able to sense the presence of the fennel – probably by detecting a noise or vibration – and grew faster to protect themselves."

And this:


I wonder if the vibrations are oxygenating the water? This could be an excellent addition to my flood tray, minus the 100 decibels.