Hello all I am brand new to this site so please take it alittle easy on me as I am looking for some advice. I started a little project acouple of months ago with some swag seeds I got from a friend of mine. I am growingin water deep water culture, and ebb and flow this is my 3rd go around as Iwas veging for 2 ½ weeks and my plants were getting too tall for my space andthe plants were growing up into the light. I took cuttings from the plants andstarted over. As far as cloning goes I must admit I am pretty good at that. IfI take 11 cuttings I will have 9 out of the 11 that make it so I think I havethat part down. I stared this time bytaking my clones from the previous grow and put them on 12/12. The plants grewfor about 3 weeks and have since slowed down a lot. I planted 5 plants and had3 that turned out to be male, cut those down. So now I am left with 2 plantsthat are still on the 12/12 schedule and are about 3 ½ feet tall and they arefemales. Showing the little pistils coming off the nods I am using a 150watthps bulb the question that I have is.
1. Will this 150 watt HPS bulb flower these 2plants?
2. I have been in flowering now for 1 month todaywhite hair is visible from both plants, but there is no sign of bud forming amI doing something wrong or how much longer before I start to see the formationof bud?
3. I trimmed quite a few fan leaves the other dayso light could get to the bottom flowers was that a mistake and if so will itprolong the flowering process?
Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks ..O and by theway this is all just a hypothetical situation. Lol lol lol