Swami Seeds

Seen....real real. Lotta fuckery gwan on.
Peeps should know by now I'm not claiming my weed is better than the next guy's...but in 90% of the random puffin circles it is...

I was one of the judges in the Seattle Sun Cup this year.. All outdoor light deprivation or full season organic growers from all over the state of Washington. I smoked and judged over 110 samples. NOTHING was as good as 90% of what I did using some of the same growing methodology. There were a couple stand outs and obviously they won the cup. They were the LOS growers.

For me it's simply genetics and understanding that F1 heterosis vigor has superior results over searching through polyhybrids for unique and more exotic genotype and terp profiles. Polyhybrid to me is an end result in something. I'm more into the beginning of the building blocks.
Not bagging on commercial bred uniform types ither..
I have nothing against growing cuts of any productive polyhybrid cultivar that meets the needs of the grower and his production needs.
If it's not broke why fix it.

What I'm offering is for people that want to explore more of what cannabis has to offer outside of the mutted up national or Amsterdam library of gear to work with.

Some people actually enjoy looking for something exotic in a pack of beans.

There are cup winning genotypes from genuine F1 heterosis female's to be found in the working of unrelated parental material.

Unrelated parent x Unrelated parent = a certain percentage of true dominant F1 hybrid vigor offspring.

Which tend to perform better than both parents.

I also hit a few lowers of my first run of nl5/haze with Nigerian blue (Nigerian sunshine x blue orca haze). Going through seeds last night and found them.
@Bringdemfya Hey Gas, I'm in Colorado, but was born / raised in Kentucky for 65 years and we were famous for our KY road kill skunk. I grew the shit out of it, outdoors of course and my question is that most people claim that RKS is an Afghani expression which I will not argue, but I swear what we grew and was sold in Kentucky as RKS was a Sativa Dom hybrid, any thoughts regarding this?
Also I've noticed that the CB X RKS / Mex is no longer on the list, did you kill it or just not in the mix for the time being? I grew it out summer 2018 and got a huge fucking plant with pink pistols, a heavy rotten fruit dank and a racing high. Just wondering.:leaf:
@Bringdemfya Hey Gas, I'm in Colorado, but was born / raised in Kentucky for 65 years and we were famous for our KY road kill skunk. I grew the shit out of it, outdoors of course and my question is that most people claim that RKS is an Afghani expression which I will not argue, but I swear what we grew and was sold in Kentucky as RKS was a Sativa Dom hybrid, any thoughts regarding this?
Also I've noticed that the CB X RKS / Mex is no longer on the list, did you kill it or just not in the mix for the time being? I grew it out summer 2018 and got a huge fucking plant with pink pistols, a heavy rotten fruit dank and a racing high. Just wondering.:leaf:
You.still smell that shit in.the hollars in eastern KY, ive heard it simply known as "clone pot" in certain mountain towns. But its legit af haha
Kind of like a recombinant back to NL5haze. It'll remain Thai dominated with the subtile hints of the various other newly introduced landrace aspects. Enough Indica to hold it around 65 day finish times..
Hey Gas! What’s all that noise on IG? Kinda crazy! ‍♂️
Hey Gas! What’s all that noise on IG? Kinda crazy! ‍♂
I don't know wtf is going on, a little of it showed up on here. I hate shit like that, people get greedy and step on toes or become glory hogs, then when shit hits the fan they want to air it out on social media, that's bad business for all. From what I've seen Gas is an old hippie that's into it for the sake of the plant, doesn't like BS and won't take it, he sure as fuck ain't making a fortune off of it and not trying to. Hell he lives off the grid in the middle of nowhere digging in the dirt 365, that's all I need to know. Notice that that the only time Gas pops up is to discuss LOS, strains or to straighten out misinformation otherwise he's digging in the dirt. Enough said!
I don't know wtf is going on, a little of it showed up on here. I hate shit like that, people get greedy and step on toes or become glory hogs, then when shit hits the fan they want to air it out on social media, that's bad business for all. From what I've seen Gas is an old hippie that's into it for the sake of the plant, doesn't like BS and won't take it, he sure as fuck ain't making a fortune off of it and not trying to. Hell he lives off the grid in the middle of nowhere digging in the dirt 365, that's all I need to know. Notice that that the only time Gas pops up is to discuss LOS, strains or to straighten out misinformation otherwise he's digging in the dirt. Enough said!
Yeah, I kinda thought that myself. Oh well. Appreciate your thoughts my friend. Thanks.
I got a couple blue orca haze and yogi germinating any info you guys can give me on yogi? And I'm really curious about the different boh phenos does it take some searching to find a keeper? Much appreciated, great thread thus far!
Gas sent me some BOH/Malana for the breeder pack. Thinking about checking those out for my last run before summer. Its that or the Choco Thai/Paki x Choco Thai. Maybe a few of each.
I don't know wtf is going on, a little of it showed up on here. I hate shit like that, people get greedy and step on toes or become glory hogs, then when shit hits the fan they want to air it out on social media, that's bad business for all. From what I've seen Gas is an old hippie that's into it for the sake of the plant, doesn't like BS and won't take it, he sure as fuck ain't making a fortune off of it and not trying to. Hell he lives off the grid in the middle of nowhere digging in the dirt 365, that's all I need to know. Notice that that the only time Gas pops up is to discuss LOS, strains or to straighten out misinformation otherwise he's digging in the dirt. Enough said!

G A S is not an old hippie.
He is a middle age dude.
I feel ya.
Oh and Gas did describe himself as an old deadhead, so that where I got that, I'm a professional live music photographer that has covered the dead scene past and present and I was in the middle of deadheads for 20 years ( I cover all genre's of music), plus in 1971 a hippie dude taught me how to grow weed and Gas looks a lot like him, same attitude and he took me back to the growing methods I was originally taught, with of course major upgrading and understanding, growing is fun again.
I feel ya.

Oh and Gas did describe himself as an old deadhead, so that where I got that, I'm a professional live music photographer that has covered the dead scene past and present and I was in the middle of deadheads for 20 years ( I cover all genre's of music), plus in 1971 a hippie dude taught me how to grow weed and Gas looks a lot like him, same attitude and he took me back to the growing methods I was originally taught, with of course major upgrading and understanding, growing is fun again.
Terrapin Reunion 06_29_2013-91.jpg
I see cigarettes in the pic above. When was that taken? I know people still smoke cigarettes but that takes me back in time. I see 2013 now. hehe Some of those people look like they were taken out of time in 1970 and put in the picture. Maybe they were?

It seems to be a breeder or public figure is to deal with hate. Not critics with valid problems with you but just hate really. Which is self hate in the first place. Not judging on GAS, he has done me right, maybe some have legit gripes too. I see this with all the breeders with just a few exceptions.