Swami Seeds

Sampled some today, on about a two week cure, the medicinal smell is more of a sweet, cedar, sandalwood, with hints of some skunky funk on breaking it up. Effects are euphoric and happy spacey, a second wave hits about ten minutes in or so, smooth for not fully cured yet. Worth exploring the two packs I have for sure.


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I would like to read from others whether they have had hermie issues with these seeds from Swami.

Hence at this point I have had 2 males of 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 and yesterday the first female I have had of this strain is a hermie, might be grower error but the 8 other ladies in that tent, from other vendors are not hermies.

One female so far of the Purple Zebra x 85 Humboldt RKS is lady, hopefully not going to show hermie traits later on in flower

And finally had a hermie Blue Orca x 85 RKS this summer and no males yet,...

Input appreciated...
I would like to read from others whether they have had hermie issues with these seeds from Swami.

Hence at this point I have had 2 males of 91 Chemdog x D NL#5 and yesterday the first female I have had of this strain is a hermie, might be grower error but the 8 other ladies in that tent, from other vendors are not hermies.

One female so far of the Purple Zebra x 85 Humboldt RKS is lady, hopefully not going to show hermie traits later on in flower

And finally had a hermie Blue Orca x 85 RKS this summer and no males yet,...

Input appreciated...

I've grown out Nigerian Sunshine and Blue Orca Haze and never saw any intersex traits on males or females.
How'd that turn out?

I'm actually not that big of a fan of how it smokes. Big yield of large flowers. Some mold issues in my area which is pretty arid (Sacramento, CA)

When I first vegetated it outdoors it reaked like bile or vomit which I do not ever recall smelling before in a plant. High is good, not much of a ceiling in the phenos I smoked but not a missing ceiling. Sort of that typically NL/Blue flavor we saw for a long time in the 1990s. I gave a couple pounds to a buddy and he used it for his holiday chocolates.
How'd that turn out?
Not directed at me but...

I grew the Blue Orca Haze indoors. Kept 3 male for a while and they all looked different in veg. Kept 6 females and they a were all different too. everything from squat Indica types to tall wispy sativa types. They all smoked a bit different too but one thing that most had that I didn't care for caused a real tightness in my chest. Not something I enjoyed so dumped those.

I kept an inbetweener and the wispy sat as they don't carry that effect. Both are pretty functional and don't cause the hunger but are only of moderate strength and not all that long lasting. Taste, the inbetweener is strong fuel that hits your lungs HARD. It's not too harsh just strong flavored and kinda tries to take your breath away. The wispy sat has the slightest hint o berries. It's easy to smoke very pleasant head space for puttering around and getting your chores done. Sharp objects - no problem.

Honestly I expected way more out of this pairing. The two I kept I want to run once more just to see if I can dial them in a bit more and get a better result though I'm not holding my breath. To give a scale comparison I also have a duke diamond's vault - C99 fem I run. The c-99 is easily twice as potent as the BOH though way less productive. I also just ran a couple AKBB nl1xnl5xnl1 and I'd say those are equal in potency as well as productivity to the inbetweeners.

The Blue Orca Haze gets me high without a problem but it will not be replacing any of my moms.
cheers for the feedback, early days as mentioned due to the amount of seeds grown so far.

Perhaps te next seeds wll be better.

The Blue Orca I had sadly wasnt not a keeper in my opinion, due to the hermie traits and hence effect and flavour was bland...