swamp grow


New Member
Buy dutch seeds reg
10x super skunk.
10x blackberry
10x ak48
Plus a few leftover freebies and recently put in 3 autos-biomass vertigo and ny sour d

Plants are all in 7 gal pots w/ hyponex potting soil and some added osmocote granular nutes. I decided to go with the x nutrient package and so far so good. The autos are in the orange pots.

I'm on my phone so pics will take awhile.



Well-Known Member
Turn your pictures sideways and maybe I will sub up... too much work tilting my head to look at each picture. just open it in picture viewer and click the rotate button. then upload. double click the uploaded picture and you can increase the picture size too.


New Member
The small one is an ny diesel auto that unfortunately got flipped over by a beaver, but it should recover. And if you look closely at the last pic you can see the blackberry is already showing purple.