swan song for riu

@verny said:
I love you e Tyler
FUCK you mother e fucking cock e suckr
You the man ty e i o love you..
Let me suck your e dick n lick your e asshole
Let be bros ..
FUCK you guy's I'm leaving
I just realized how entertaining this is. This @verny guys the new mainliner. Total attention whore thats a little slow but dreams of taking over the world one day. :lol:
Is Verny still here or is gone( banned) I see a few locked threads
I haven't done shit with journals sence the vern show started
I fucked up my first time in tnt. Lol I made a thread title like this ????¿??¿?? Or some shit like that and started bitchin about shipping seeds ..
Instantly I was called mainliner..
Then I was call a pig ..lmao..
Then my melt down ..goin on about I'm not a cop.... Look around..it's here somewhere.. Thinking back Its kind of funny..
I look at it as if your being hazed