Sweating and Curing

Yea, leave fresh product under the sun in a closed container. Un-fucking-believable.


Look a hydro growers reveals himself online to not know a damn thing about Cannabis. How rare! Go mist your buds with cool sugar water and wrap in bro paks for the night, its passed their bedtime.
most people hang for a week or 2. i hung for a day or 2. the weed is still wet when put in the jar. you can open the lid and "pour" moisture out. not to many people are willing to do this. it is very risky. you can lose the whole jar in a few hours if not watched closely.
I'm trying it with a lil one half branch in thery I think it will work great due to it drying even fro. Inside out not outside then bring iside moisture back then seal n burp
All this talk about "sweating" buds is just an attempt to slow down the drying process. If you can slow dry in a space with controlled temperature and humidity, you don't need to "sweat" your buds. Paper bag drying is good when you have less or no control over the environment-if they are drying too fast in the bags, you put the paper bag inside a garbage bag to let the RH build back up to a decent level, ie, you "sweat" them. There are FAR better drying threads using modern techniques on this forum, I wouldn't "sweat" this thread too much.