Sweden Legalizes and Regulates Cannabis


Well-Known Member
Sweden legalizes and regulates cannabis

December 19 2011
The Swedish Parliament has approved a law which will regulate the growing, usage and trade of cannabis. This is according to the Health and Social Services of Sweden, Jonas Grönhög, who was quoted, “We don’t want to make the same mistakes which the USA has done, we do not want to be prohibitionists because the war on drugs has been lost long ago. It is better to prevent marginalization of young people than jail them for soft drugs usage which are comparatively harmless. If we allow the sale of alcohol, there is no reason to ban the soft drugs no longer.”
Cannabis products are going to be available in the pharmacies in Sweden as non-prescription medicine since April 20 in 2012 and customers more than 18-year-old can buy 10 grams at once. Growing for personal usage will be tolerated up to 200 grams of dried marijuana and larger amounts stay illegal. It is likely that this will target the Police resources on more serious crime, especially on organized crime, drug trafficking and trafficking in human beings which have been increased for lack of the Police resources in recent years.


The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LMFAO Sweden is NOT the type of country that would legalize marijuana. They have staunch legislation for sweeping across the board drug laws. :p


Yeah lol ^ no Scandinavian country would ever do this unfortunatley

However , in switzerland there have been some changes recently to their marijuana laws . Some pretty awesome changes actually .


Well-Known Member
Sweden? Too close to Finland.....



Well-Known Member
No, this is NOT true.

I dare to say that Sweden has BY FAR the most harsh narcotic policys of the entire Europe. I can also promise that Sweden will be one of the LAST countries to legalize. Even though Denmark and Norway may have the very same/similiar laws and policys about narcotics, drugs, weed and/or alcohol, in Norway and Denmark the police don't bother harassing kids smoking joints like the cops (and government) in Sweden like to do.

No, in Scandinavia the majority prefer to slowly drink themselves half to death, it's the "culture".


Well-Known Member
No, this is NOT true.

I dare to say that Sweden has BY FAR the most harsh narcotic policys of the entire Europe. I can also promise that Sweden will be one of the LAST countries to legalize. Even though Denmark and Norway may have the very same/similiar laws and policys about narcotics, drugs, weed and/or alcohol, in Norway and Denmark the police don't bother harassing kids smoking joints like the cops (and government) in Sweden like to do.

No, in Scandinavia the majority prefer to slowly drink themselves half to death, it's the "culture".
thats true,,most beer or bozz in short time is the winner or as they say here"fullt ös medvetslös"

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Just entering "sweeden legalise cannabis" is all the proof you need that it's a hoax, one would think that news sites would publish the story, not just a bunch of assorted cannabis related forums and such.