Sweet deal! Discount on killer nutes!


Active Member
Sweet! BPN just announced another sale til mid October. Low prices just got lower. I've been using their 3-Part and Bloom Booster, and love em! I may step up to the High Yield System. Its equivalent to the wizard kit from AN but like a third of the price. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/BluePlanetNutrients for the discount or just go to www.blueplanetnutrients.com to see what they offer. I'm tellin you... switch to BPN and you'll quit wasting your money on GH and AN.


I really like how they break down different elements need per week in ppm' s. I'm a a.n. lover. But this company approach seems very solid. Very intriguing.


Well-Known Member
Jack's Pro Hydro ftw bro, ...works freekin' great and for under $100.00 i bought me enough to last me for at least 3 YEARS, ...and that's delivered to my door, 25lbs of the base and 25lbs of the calcium nitrate.

Jack's Pro

...and i'm not a shill for J.R.Peter's either, just a VERY happy customer. ...in other words, the deal i got is available to anyone who want's it and i can provide links to discussions on the use of Jack's if they are needed.

peace, bozo


Killer grow bozo, rocking buds, and on the cheap-dirty cheap, look like a great gram per watt set up. What is the g per w if you don't mind telling everyone.


Well-Known Member
Killer grow bozo, rocking buds, and on the cheap-dirty cheap, look like a great gram per watt set up. What is the g per w if you don't mind telling everyone.
...thanks man but grams per watt isn't something i worry about, i got into this hobby to decrease my cost's and to increase the quality of the bud i smoked and on both of those fronts i've already succeeded.

...the truth is that what IS important to me is to be able to keep my op running as smoothly as possible with the absolute minimum of labor from me, i'm fundamentally lazy so if it's too complicated, or even too heavy, it ain't for me, lol. ...i spend about 15 minutes hand watering 8 plants every day and i spend another 15 minutes tending to my vegging plants about every third day, ...and then i spend several hours harvesting about 12 to 15 zipz every 10 weeks, ...all in all a pretty laid back approach.

...so i guess, if i did the math i'd be somewhere around .65 gpw, sometimes a bit more and sometimes a bit less.

...btw, i do that with 1/4 tsp per gallon of the base nutrient and 1/4 tsp per gallon of the calcium nitrate with the caveat that i start tapering off of the cal/nit after week 6, ...i try to limit the nitrogen at the end so they yellow up for me at harvest, i want my bud to taste like bud, not nutrients, lol.

...which also means NO additives of any kind, i have found most of that shit to be snake oil and so i have eliminated it from my grow and my expenses.

...the Jack's is great all by itself and you sure can't beat the price!

peace, bozo


I'm a huge fan of the easy way, I grow in the bag that the dirt comes in. That's my lazy trick. Works great!


Active Member
I have some friends who use jacks for the price they like it. I have limited space and need to get as much as I can per harvest so have to go with Blue Planet 3 part plus Liquid Blue. I've seen guys pulling over a gram per watt with zero veg time. They go straight from the cloner to flowering and have massive harvests. Think about that. Theres 448 grams in a pound so if you had a 450 watt light you'd be doing over a pound every two months or over a half pound a month in a perpetual garden.

I did the math before on the BPN 2 part and one gallon of it, when mixed with water will on average (following their feeding chart on a 14 week schedule from seed to harvest) will make over 450 gallons of nutes (for Part A) and since it only costs like $21.50... do the math thats about 5 cents per gallon of feeding solution. For results like that? Yeah, Blue Planet all day. Plus those guys are super chill and real good about answering questions and giving suggestions and advice. Plus I never need calmag since they dose up the calcium in their Micro. I'm sold on these guys, but not attached. Ya'll use what works best for you and your situations. Peace. :)