Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


Well-Known Member
Hey Buster!! The Mataro is great, well I like it lol, girlfriend likes the WR better. You should start a diary of the critical and share the crystally goodness lol. I will get some pics up tomorrow as I just came in and not going back outside its to fucking cold out there lol. The Pato and White Domina sre doing great. The Pato is amazing as far as growth, it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. What was the total wieght of the Critical? I may start them real soon but they would have to start at 12hrs of light as the bud room is full lol. I finally found some PH down that works BTW its 25% phosphuric and only have to add 50ml per 100L so if you need some battery acid I got lots lol. I'll be real interested to see how the bags work. Do you have much shake to run?


Well-Known Member
Ok as promised lol. patowhite0121.3.jpgpatowhite0121.2.jpg This is the Pato and White Domina, with the domina on the right. They are 5 weeks old from seed. I've gotten much better at maintaining the water makeup and the girls are doing great but my trays are to small for these things lol. Fuck its like watching paint dry lol waiting to get the Kush started and growing impatient lol.


Well-Known Member
So did u buy the bags yet buster?? I turned on the humidifier/hash machine last night and a few hours later I had around 8 grams of black hash!!! I dont remember it working that well lol. Its still dropping lots of powder through the silk screen so probably 14 total. I didnt weigh the shake but i would guess 2.5 oz of extremely dry shake, I also think the -18c help knock off the cystals. Have you started another run yet. I have 2 packs of critical waiting to go wooohooo!! about 4 weeks i figure before I get them in :( but I will run 2 trays of them and may clone some as I am getting close to the time I need to start shutting things off for the summer, about 4 months left to get enough for the 4 months its down, so lets see girlfriend smokes about an ounce a week so .... yup I need a lot lol. :shock:


Active Member
Holy smokes I got my password finally! I always kept myself as "stay logged in" by I accidentally closed the window and it logged me out lol. I only typed my password in once so I had no idea what it was. Anyways, nice to be back and see those girls of yours doing well!How much longer till you get the critical kush going?
I started my new batch in the time away from RIU lol. 4 critical kush, 2 space from WoS diamond line. It's a mix of ak47, black domina and mazar with a 6 week finish time! Will be looking forward to them coming along :)
Out of this batch that's been going for about 8 day snow I have one critical kush freak.. She is frogging huge compared to her sisters that are 5 days old. I'm using organic soil and so far I've only been using Fiji water for the big girl and she is obviously loving it! I've got them at 18/6 for now and under the 400w hps cause I've been to lazy to set up and re hang the fluorescent light lol. I may add that in soon though to give them an extra boost of energy.

I haven't got the bags yet unfortunately. I've been waiting for things to come along with this batch before I complete the final touch of the last batch lol. I plan to wait till I'm pretty well empty for the last smoke to do this hash, otherwise when I do decide to smoke, I won't have anything lol. I have some sweet god left, some strawberry cough left and about 1.5g of the critical kush left that's been curing for about a month now! Even still, I can't get any sort of tolerance to it lol. I've definitely enjoyed smoking her the most, the high is exactly what I like and it's been nice to have a puff during hockey or watching my ravens romp on the 49ers lol.
As you can see, there is a significant difference between the one girl and the others! The Fiji water must be working wonders for her! They are all fem seeds and every single one of them I put into germ popped in a very short period of time. I think the longest took 30 hours and that is not bad because I like to wait for them to break out of the seed before I put them into soil. They're in small pots for now but I'm thinking the one girl will need a new home fairly soon lol.


Active Member
Oh I guess I forgot to say which girls are what in the first pic lol. The back three are critical kush, the front center is the other critical kush and the two front sides are space. I did mention they were under the 400w hps but I forgot to say I had the ballast set to only 50% so today I put it to 75% and will leave it like that for a few days 'less I add the fluorescent in today in which case I would keep the hps back on 50% till a week before flower time because I've heard that can help reduce stretch. Don't know if it is true but I'll see soon enough :p.
I plan on flipping them when they're just under a foot tall, that means the other girls better step it the fvck up quick lol.. I might have to top the big girl so she doesn't tower over all the others lol


Active Member
"Space (AK-47 X Black Domina X Mazar) - WORLD OF SEEDS

It´s a cross that preserves more noble genetics and highest valued among cannabis conneussairs due to its high germination procentage, plague resistance, short flowering periods, high THC and CBD contents and exceptional flavour. A unique flavour and aroma of powerfull effects.

75% indica / 25% sativa
Flowering Time: 6 weeks, outdr: mid Sep
Yield: 450-600 gr indr / 450-600 gr outdr
Flavour: Noble wood
Resistance to mold/plagues: high
Medicinal Value: high
THC: 20%"



Active Member
Ok so I tossed in the fluorescent light as well lol.
I'm not sure what the watts are on the fluorescent but it's 4' 4 bulb HO t5 so it should be about 20,000 lumens, 50,000 lumens bare minimum from the 400w so I've got a good amount of light in there lol. In the last few hours the light has been added, it seems that they have all responded well to it and already seem bigger lol. I'll take a picture soon so you can see.. It's actually pretty noticeable


Active Member
Well running both lights isn't gonna work lol. They will get heat stressed for sure; the leaves are already curling slightly around the sides. The temps are just about 100 at the canopy so I would imagine they are even higher above the canopy where the 400w is. Till I get something to pull out some of that hot air or a way to pull in more cold air, I can't use both and that really sucks. I'll be taking some time today to figure out a way to set this up though cause I want the extra light lol


Active Member
I just reversed the fan to suck out the air instea of pushing in air an the temps dropped to bout 92. I'm still not to happy so I'm going to look for the absolute smallest ac I can find, hopefully something around 500 btu lol. If I can find one, I'm set. We will see what happens today I guess