Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot


Well-Known Member
THC a question (really great grow BTW)
I noticed you use H&G and I love their stuff as well
In fact next grow it will be all H&G
anyway Do you use the "shooting powder" and if so how well do you think it works / what are any drawbacks or precautions I should be aware of?
I just added it to a grow thats about 3 weeks out from harvest.
Thanks Alto
SPs great I love it.
Have acid ready to go in, when you add your Shooting Power, pH skyrockets.
I will get some more for this batch.

Nonstop, I triggered those girls 5/10, just over 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Hey man buds looked not 2 shabby. I Have never seen any mold on bud before. What precautions or preventive measures can a grower take to smash this anoying problem??


Well-Known Member
You might get some down there in FLA, humid weather really gets it going, we get sea fog A LOT.

F@CK its hard to stop it, I prefer indica, thats the main problem, should be growing a sativa anytime mold could be an issue. I have a sulfur burner, spray Seranade sometimes, dehumidifier, clean everything, filtered intake, theres not much more I can do, I'll run the humidity lower this time, f@ck the temps.


Well-Known Member
sounds good yeah i am going to have to find a way to get the humidity down it can get real bad here. Where are u from bud just a general area kinda currious. not sure if you had time to check it out but I did make a intake for my room like u said. that black fan now blows air into the room. Is that good enough or do i need another squarel cage? totaly forgot to tell you that my 600watt galaxy ballat came 2day and was wondering if I should add it to the veg or would that plus the original 400MH just be overkill?


Well-Known Member
beautiful as always. i have a space of 5.5' tall 4.5'wide and 1.5' deep. im gonna pick up a pack of 20 bcsg. i wanna get a 400 hps. any suggestions on the container set up and growing mediums? is my space to tight for what i want to do?
Thats plenty of room, a 400 will rock in there, you'll need an air-cooled hood,don't get HTG, Mared's ballast died fast, get a lumatec.
Use Coco, follow Mared's journal, Its from day one, 400w coco closet grow.
Look at his shit now, you can use his journal like a guide, get monkey juice too.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Thats plenty of room, a 400 will rock in there, you'll need an air-cooled hood,don't get HTG, Mared's ballast died fast, get a lumatec.
Use Coco, follow Mared's journal, Its from day one, 400w coco closet grow.
Look at his shit now, you can use his journal like a guide, get monkey juice too.
Yeah, Monkey Juice. I'll cosign that. You can always hit me up for questions. I'm sure my results could be very easily reproduced with the same simple setup in that space.


Well-Known Member
sounds good yeah i am going to have to find a way to get the humidity down it can get real bad here. Where are u from bud just a general area kinda currious. not sure if you had time to check it out but I did make a intake for my room like u said. that black fan now blows air into the room. Is that good enough or do i need another squarel cage? totaly forgot to tell you that my 600watt galaxy ballat came 2day and was wondering if I should add it to the veg or would that plus the original 400MH just be overkill?
So Cali coast.
The 400 will get you though the veg I think, the intake should help a lot, you'll know soon if that was enough, you have a high/low temp/humidity digi gauge right ? I'm going to look over there right now.


Well-Known Member
sounds good I already have the 400watt from htg got it for $50 on ebay and i got a air-cooled hood to i think its called the euro reflector. thanks again for all the advice man its gata get anoying when all the noobs like me ask a million questions


Well-Known Member
Would the monkey juice still be good 2 use even if im not using coco just rockwool?
right now I got Dutchmaster gold grow and flowe A+B DM Zone and Cal mag and hydrogaurd also clearex. I was planing to get a flower booster monkey juice would be my best bet?


Well-Known Member
The monkey juice is for coco only, the flower boosters are the ones with a high P-K value and low N.


Well-Known Member
I have used KoolBloom and its about the same thing (P-K wise)
I just like the Van de Swann stuff so far and want to start using all of their stuff next grow. (Aqua Flakes A+B / and the add ons)
Nice looking setup you have, as soon as I get cloning down I want to start a perpetual deal like you have going.
Thanks again:joint:

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Ya the monkey juice is for coco only b-cuz they poot p.h buffer to go with the coco... i am a hardcore A.N'S USER but i would say that the best coco nute!!! Canna has they put alot in to thare coco base nute... So T.H.C DID YOU TRY THE HUMBOLT NUTE'S YET... if that work good for you then am going to do a test with it with my advanced nute's... right now am doing a A.N test with the grow/mico/bloom/ and the sensi 2+ program... at first the sensi looked to be a little be biger but right now the gro/micro/bloom/seem's to be on top... am useing the hole program on the two but not the motherearth it make's my ppm go to hight... but ya if i can find something that is just as good that would be nice i would use it's well see ya...
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Didn't see much results, but chopped early. I'm going to use it on the new set of big girls, should get a better idea, they claim it works on 30-40% of strains,the bushmaster works really good(powerful) so I know those Humbolt boys aren't full of sh!t, $60 bucks you can get the purple maxx and stacker,they say to use together for best results,IDK its the price of a good 1/8, so why not try it.

The purple maxx has a lot of acid in it, pH will drop like a rock, I mix my shit to like 6.8 then drop the purple maxx in, then add a little barricade to bring it up to final pH.