Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot


Well-Known Member
Buy weed :confused:?? Come on DOC.:-?

Actually I buy grams sometimes, to sample strains.:joint:bongsmilie:weed:tasty edibles too.

That Bud X-L is getting those girls back in shape.:hump:
It says it helps transport sugars from the bract to the bud:blsmoke:

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Buy weed :confused:?? Come on DOC.:-?

Actually I buy grams sometimes, to sample strains.:joint:bongsmilie:weed:tasty edibles too.

That Bud X-L is getting those girls back in shape.:hump:
It says it helps transport sugars from the bract to the bud:blsmoke:

My buddy was supposed to get me some God Bud clones.......:cry: He didn't.

Oh well......gotta tell me how this cross is!



Well-Known Member
Got hooked up with some of that there Sweet God recently and WOW :eyesmoke: you are right!!!

Very nice bud, unique smell and flavor, was having a a hard time trying to figure out the flavors but there are some fruits in there. Potency was very good and I have a high tolerance. Liked the density of this bud, it was like breaking open Styrofoam, thick full buds that smoked slow and smooth just right!

:bigjoint: who ever grew it deserves kiss-ass wonder where it came from :rolleyes: :rolleyes: LOL
Here you Waffles.
I'm chopping buds,Again,I HATE chopping.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
Buy weed :confused:?? Come on DOC.:-?

Actually I buy grams sometimes, to sample strains.:joint:bongsmilie:weed:tasty edibles too.

That Bud X-L is getting those girls back in shape.:hump:
It says it helps transport sugars from the bract to the bud:blsmoke:
I just thout that when you go to the club you may bye something differnt...some time's it feel's like cooking by time your done you dont want to eat it...da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I try to smoke bubble hash a lot, your right DOC. but I can't bring myself to shell out 60 1/8, I'd rather try a new product out for the garden, or something.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
YA I HEAR YA.. i would pay what ever i have to to feel ok...and ya i like trying out new thing's also...da plantDOC

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
OH SO HOW MUTCH BUBBLE HASH DO YOU SMOKE..DO YOU MIX IT OR JUST strate up in the pipe..it's like hippy crack..lol..da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
eI don't save the fan leaves, just the sugar leaves for hash.
Those are all single plants, minimal branching leaves make for a bigger main cola.
Good size cob for the plant size.

That bud on the tray is some of the stuff I used Purple Maxx on, turned it into red-hair,IDK bottle claims 30-40% success, no good for SG. The ground bud is normal SG.


Well-Known Member
Like onions when I chop, Yeah, hay for a while, grass clippings, about a week.
Drys slow in the big box,I like it like that, the cells are still alive for a while in there.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Like onions when I chop, Yeah, hay for a while, grass clippings, about a week.
Drys slow in the big box,I like it like that, the cells are still alive for a while in there.

Looks great!!! I can't wait to harvest!! My buds aren't filling in real good yet. . . . . battling a P def. so i think thats why.
But have you tried a water cure? You lose more mass and bag appeal but i hear that its worth it! Less bud = more thc in less mass!!!

So when you commin to FL? LOL



Well-Known Member
Need the right size hole saw for your drill is the key.

Home Depot sell 2' pieces of pipe, get 2 , 4 90 fittings, and a T, the risers are on the sprinkler asle with the spray heads, you don't need that many, six is good.


Well-Known Member
I think its Cat Piss, seeds where from club weed, smells like it.
I started these just for fun, but f@ck there's some serious bud there.