Sweet Mango!!!


Active Member
Im 2 weeks in as of today. Growing under a 4' T5 6 bulb light. These autos are supposed to produce 700 grams per sq. meter... so lets see how this one turns out. I have 5 down right now. Time to get this started!


Active Member
Thanks budder! Ya, I'm going to lower the light tomorrow. Just wanted to wait for the girls to grow a bit. I've only turned on 2 of the bulbs. When I lower it tomorrow I will be turning on 4 of the bulbs for a week, followed by the rest of the lights the following week. After the first month has gone by, I intend to move the under a 400/600 watt HPS t finish out. Just not sure wich one will work out better given my tent size 4x4x6.5?


Active Member
trying to watch for deficiencies real early and catch any thing that's out of then norm this time around. Found something and I'm not positive but thinking it might be cal/mag def. Hope not! The girls are only 2 weeks today. I have been watering @PH 6.3 After doing some research, I recently learned that Autos like their soil a little more acidic and they respond well @ 6.1-6.5 All and all comments are welcome, Thanks! CAM00705.jpg


Active Member
For anyone that's interested, I'm going to be using tiresias mist on one of the ladies so I can end up with some seed... curios to how it's going to go myself?


Active Member
Ah I would love to see another seed run with the Tiresias. After my initial grow I plan to get crazy with some Tiresias and AKR, NLxBB, and Northern Lights Blue auto. Think of all the mixes I can make with that, along with keeping some seeds of the strains true. ;) Can't wait to see how it all turns out!


Active Member
sweet! I'm about to try some of that too. Are you gonna do a whole plant or just a bud or two?
I'm just going to do a single branch. Hoping for a lo of beans so I can cut out the middle man for a while, lol :bigjoint:... going to start mine in a few days. Can't wait!


Active Member
Ah I would love to see another seed run with the Tiresias. After my initial grow I plan to get crazy with some Tiresias and AKR, NLxBB, and Northern Lights Blue auto. Think of all the mixes I can make with that, along with keeping some seeds of the strains true. ;) Can't wait to see how it all turns out!
For sure bud! Def sounds like you can do some mixing and matching, lol. The best of luck to you... :bigjoint:


Active Member
...tried to upload pics today but I think this site may be having some issues. It's not letting my upload the pics. I will get them up as soon as I figure out what's going on guys..


Well-Known Member
<-- Holds up lighter

We want the show! We want the show! :)

Can't wait to see your ladies. All sub'd up for the show.


Active Member
hows the misting going? I didn't get around to trying my bottle, it says to do before flowering starts so figured I'd wait till next time. Give us some pics!