Sweet PH levels

red fury

Active Member
So I recently bought a bottle of Botanicare Sweet grape, hopefully it lives up to the name...anyways, I added 2 tsps to a gal of distilled water and it dropped the ph to probably around 4. I compensated with quite a bit of ph up and got it in the 6.5 area. was that smart or should it have not mattered this far along, 2 weeks to cut.? Just wondering if i could have funked something up.


Active Member
If your PH is at a stable level for whatever medium you're using (soil im guessing), then i see no problem in what you're using.

What strain are you growing? You think the grape will actually affect the final bud with grape flavours?

red fury

Active Member
northern lights, supposedly, i can hope at least. I kind of face palmed when I was watering them and noticed how they kind of had a berry smell, should have gone for the berry! i'll let u know


Active Member
Yea....I was looking at some of the Botanicare Sweet products....I was interested in that Botanicare Sweet Raw. Supposedly its an all natural carbo enhancer.

Thats what i would get for any strain...But they also have a Citrus variety i was thinking of getting for my Lemon Kush.