Sweet seeds sweet skunk


how long has she been growing?

Ive been growing mine for about 60 days now. i dont have any current pics for her (i broke my phone and dont have a camera)...but here she is at about 50 days. i using cfl soil and a 5 gal pot.
20140103_1900251.jpg shes about 46 inches in this pic...today shes about 56 inches. with alot of puts comming in now.


Active Member
At what point does it start budding? I was expecting it to be soon mines about 30 days old and about a foot tall! It says 400-500 grams I figured it would bud soon! I know that the 400-500 grams is under optimal grow conditions but WTH XD


how many are you growing...you wont get that yeild from one plant...the type of light wattage and size bucket you use determine the rate at which your autoflower will grow......and what sweet seeds advertises is way off from the actually thing...my plant is now taller than me (im 5'8 and its still flowering at day 70 and i might have 2-3 weeks left...ill left you know what i get from her...so my question is what size bucket are you using and what is your lighting like?


Active Member
I have 150 w HPS and it's in miracle grow moisture control * i knowwwww* it's in a 5 gallon bucket! I have some northern lights on the way so of this one strain sucks I'll just use the other next time! And I hope it don't get that tall as my space is only 6 foot and I have to keep my light off about a foot so I'm working with 5 feet!


she will most deff get that tall...if i were u i would transfer the plant now before the roots get too deep...MAKE SURE TO GET ANOTHER OPINION THOUGH.

these pics are from day 61 (1/12)


shes starting to get really frosty now. buds are starting to fill out.


Active Member
I made a make shift grow area so I can just take the roof out and put the hangers up there... That should work nicely but thanks for the info and please let me know how yours turned out so we can come up with the best grow method for this strain.. Thanks for the help good luck with your grow!


yea that should work out. Of all the research Ive done on this plant Ive found everyone has grown in smaller buckets with this strain. Most people say they should have grow in something bigger...at the same time i feel the 5gal pot might actually be too big for this plant (but thats just me being paranoid and thinking she not gonna fill out the way she should). but im pretty sure i should be a good harvest from her...as to you my friend and ill be sure to check in and see how your grow us going.


Active Member
how long has she been growing?

Ive been growing mine for about 60 days now. i dont have any current pics for her (i broke my phone and dont have a camera)...but here she is at about 50 days. i using cfl soil and a 5 gal pot.
View attachment 2955908 shes about 46 inches in this pic...today shes about 56 inches. with alot of puts comming in now.
how's the grow going? Any new updates?


NL will be in my next order most deff...you should enjoy that strain.

Ok here she is as of this morning....

i think im looking to harvest her no latter than feb 10...im hopping alot earlier!


Active Member
About how tall is it now? Looks good and how old is it as of today? Trying to figure out when mine will be ready!


Active Member
I'm at about 35 days when does it start to fill out? It looks pretty much empty there is just small buds every where


its from the way i grew it...this is my first auto...i only grew 1 and i made a mistake and grew around sweets advertised stats....i dont have enough light around here cause i had no idea she would get this did...shes grown alot different than any other sweet skunk ive seen on the net...i hoping she will fill out alot more seeing how big she is.

she deff has lot more bud or here than she did last week

IMG_4738.jpgIMG_3783.jpg see the difference? shes agout about 2-3 more weeks of growing i hope she looks nowhere near finished...im giving her chaching so she should fill out quite a bit....but she is growing alot slower than most sweet skunks. do you have any pic of yours?