Sweet seeds sweet skunk


o ok yea you should manily run autos at 20/4 or 24/7...with autos its pretty much more light= more bud. 18/6 or 12/12 will have her flower quicker that usual and she wont yeild as mcuh


Active Member
Yeah it's in my bedroom and the light kills me or I would have it on that long when I do the NL I'll have to make sure it's on 20/4 this is kinda my first grow and I'm still new to things but I have read and learned ALOT! This is for personal use and I don't smoke much at all I'm going to use it to help me sleep! At night I do nothing but think about shit and it gets old fast! I miss my deep sleep I used to have so I'm growing basically for that perpose


thats cool...i grow for personal use too but a smoke like a damn semi tuck....if your growing one at a time and you want your grow to be the main supply then by all means grow them as fast as you can....right now im trynna figure out how to grow short stocky bud in 60 days or less....the main things ive learn are use 3gal pots or smaller. and the taller the pot it the deeper the roots will grow and the taller the the plant will be but the buds will be scatttered through out the plant the way mine looks...my next grow will be epic.