Sweet Tooth 1 Month into flowering 400 watt HPS


So I've grown this plant from a seedling. and shes been flowering for a little over a month. how long do you think i should flower for? i got a close up of her Trichomes. how do you think shes doing? please share your input.
shes in a 5 gallon pot with fox farm soil. and were using floranova bloom for her nutes. and she has a couple goldfish under her soil.



how much longer should i let her cook?
month or 2? maybe less. her hairs are turning an orange color. but her trichomes are still clear as day. i heard to wait till the trichomes are cloudy? or an amber color?


Well-Known Member
Yes you want cloudy trichs. I would make sure to flower for at least 8 weeks with most strains enjoying a ninth week as well. Past that is strain dependent but I doubt you'll need to go past 9 weeks.


Alright I'll post pics up within two or three weeks cuz she's actually been in since mid February. So I'll check her out on 4/20 and post better pics