sweetener makes buds denser??


Active Member
I'm sure it's been asked, but I cant seem to find a yed/no answer. It seems like a sweetner like GH Floranectar makes taste and smell better from what I have read. BUT???

Does a product like floranectar make larger denser buds by supplying carbs or energy or whatever?

Im a newb growing in dwc and dont want to risk molasses in the res.


Well-Known Member
never used this product before so i can't say unfortunately.

search blombastic!

it is a sweetener/ripener/bloom booster.

it makes your buds more resinous, denser,stronger smelling and supposedly more resilient to infections etc.

i have used it for 3 years doing grows with and without it, it works!.

only problem is it is salty gritty and gooey as hell, in hydro it may cause some problems.

you use a maximum of 1ml/l but more like 0.5l per litre and only for a week or two max.


New Member
My understanding is that carbs strengthen overall but mainly is for thrich. production. Well not really the carbs doing it. The carbs feed the microbes and the microbes strengthen the plant JAS


Active Member
I ended up getting carbo load and snow storm ultra. Also gonna switch from earth juice nutes to AN sensi
Thanks for the feedback on the carbs.


Well-Known Member
I know that sugars and carbs help in swelling of the buds and more trichs covering the plant. I don't really know anything else for specifics because I've only used Bud Candy for a first carb booster. I know I got a ton of trichs for a 3week old sativa that takes 12+ to finish.


Well-Known Member
Roots don't absorb water through the phloem. I'm pretty sure all uptake by the roots is done through the xylem, which is one way (up) and only transfers water and minerals.

In order for carb products to actually work, you'd have to find some way of inserting a catheter into the phloems and injecting sugars in.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Roots don't absorb water through the phloem. I'm pretty sure all uptake by the roots is done through the xylem, which is one way (up) and only transfers water and minerals.

In order for carb products to actually work, you'd have to find some way of inserting a catheter into the phloems and injecting sugars in.
you know you just confused the hell out of em church, and the funny thing is, they SWEAR it works.


Active Member
I have no idea if it works. I have 20 plants growing. I will try carboload on a couple and see if it has an effect. Negative or positive or no change.

You have no idea what my level of intellect is. So instead of being a d!ck, why not add something constructive to the conversation?

Makes sense, but if the sugars were dissolved in the water with the minerals, do the roots actually separate the sacchrides from the water during uptake? Is the xylem only absorbing from the roots? Would foliar feeding be an alternate way to feed sugars?
If it can uptake sugars it will create energy (ATP) like anything else, but if they will not uptake added sugars, then it will have to rely on its own production of sugars for energy. There is a common belief that the amount of energy used during heavy flower can be supplimented to create more atp so the flowers can grow more rapidly and for a longer period of time. Sounds like it would make bigger buds to me. Same way ATP affects a human in the gym. Its not magic, its more energy to be able to work harder. Very simple concept.

Maybe my lack of intelligence is getting in the way here, but it seems logical that with so many generations of growers, somebody has figured out how to get a plant to uptake supplimental carbohydrates.

Anyways. Ill find out for myself I guess, since intellectual conversation on the topic is impossible to find.


Well-Known Member
If that could work, why does everyone waste their time using lights?

Not questioning your intellect, just very skeptical that plants can take up sugars through their roots. If so, why wasn't it done that way the whole time? Wouldn't a few bags of sugar be less expensive than giant 400-1000W lamps?

As for the taste, cured weed is better when total carbs is low, so even if the sugar somehow did find its way into the plant matter, I'd avoid using it toward the end of budding anyway.


Active Member
I wasnt referring to you making comments toward my intelligence. Your post was fine.
I know soil growers have been using molasses for years. Although, who knows if the added growth they see is from added carbs, or the beneficial bacteria, or both.
Funny thing is humans also need sunlight for our bodies to use certain vitamins. Obviously photosynthesis can not happen without lights, all I'm curious about is supplimenting the plant with carbs for added energy beyond its natural source of energy.


Well-Known Member
I think there are beneficial lifeforms in the soil that can use a bit of molasses which could indirectly benefit the plant, but i don't think it can take it directly through the roots and be useful.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
I have no idea if it works. I have 20 plants growing. I will try carboload on a couple and see if it has an effect. Negative or positive or no change.

You have no idea what my level of intellect is. So instead of being a d!ck, why not add something constructive to the conversation?

Makes sense, but if the sugars were dissolved in the water with the minerals, do the roots actually separate the sacchrides from the water during uptake? Is the xylem only absorbing from the roots? Would foliar feeding be an alternate way to feed sugars?
If it can uptake sugars it will create energy (ATP) like anything else, but if they will not uptake added sugars, then it will have to rely on its own production of sugars for energy. There is a common belief that the amount of energy used during heavy flower can be supplimented to create more atp so the flowers can grow more rapidly and for a longer period of time. Sounds like it would make bigger buds to me. Same way ATP affects a human in the gym. Its not magic, its more energy to be able to work harder. Very simple concept.

Maybe my lack of intelligence is getting in the way here, but it seems logical that with so many generations of growers, somebody has figured out how to get a plant to uptake supplimental carbohydrates.

Anyways. Ill find out for myself I guess, since intellectual conversation on the topic is impossible to find.
Seems I made a comment to church, You are obviously so stupid, you didn't pick up on that.


Active Member
you know you just confused the hell out of em church, and the funny thing is, they SWEAR it works.
Your comment to Church was on my thread about me assuming I'm not smart enough to understand what Church was talking about. Its all good though, thanks for your helpful contributions to this thread.


Active Member
Anyways, my understanding as of now is, the plant roots cannot directly uptake the carbs for energy, but can benefit from the energy the carbs produce in the medium do to its interactions with other bacteria attached to the roots.
My conclusion is; its probably beneficial to some degree. Ill found out how beneficial soon.
Also, there should be an enzyme in the bacteria that can break down sugar molecules to a state that the roots can use the energy. No doubt in my mind. There is an enzyme for everything.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Anyways, my understanding as of now is, the plant roots cannot directly uptake the carbs for energy, but can benefit from the energy the carbs produce in the medium do to its interactions with other bacteria attached to the roots.
My conclusion is; its probably beneficial to some degree. Ill found out how beneficial soon.
Also, there should be an enzyme in the bacteria that can break down sugar molecules to a state that the roots can use the energy. No doubt in my mind. There is an enzyme for everything.
You want a conclusion? DON"T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY ON SNAKE OILS. You can use a good all purpose nutrient without all the B.S. and you will produce WAY better smoke than dumping a bunch on nonsense on your girls.