SweetLeaf's 240W Blackstar LED Autoflower Grow


Active Member
+Rep . Thanks for that info, I'm wondering If I should just do what I have done the last 2 waterings and just keep giving the one water. Maybe the other one I'll keep feeding into the last week? Have you used molasses chaka?


Active Member
I went to the hydro shop yesterday and picked up a Hydrofarm Active Eye 100x LED microscope to check out my trichs. They are cloudy and some of them are starting to turn amber so I am going to harvest that one plant today. I am going to leave the other plant in there and check the trichs daily, probably will be in there another 5-7 days.


Well-Known Member
A good rule of thumb, wait till you think theyre done then go another week :) I've never done the molasses.


Active Member
Ya, I harvested the top of the plant and left the side branching in there because its so small and I hope it swells. The top was pretty small, although it looks very dank. I'll post pics later, can't find my camera and i hung the branch in a brown bag to dry, because I can't hang it in my cab because the light is still on finishing the rest of the plant and the other one. The other plant looks like it will be much better buds (both size and density).


Well-Known Member
You know now that Ive been smoking my own a bit more, Id say they actually dont have that great of flavor! I think I am going to flush at least a little bit next time.


Active Member
Harvested both plants they are now in one large jar. Didn't get a good yield off either of them, pretty disappointed after all the time and $$ i spent on them. The buds are very airy. I am not ready to blame the LED for this, I might have not had the best environment controls as far as air flow, heat, or maybe even a nute problem. I will post pics of the buds and a weight number once they dry out and cure a little bit more.