Swisha's Grow Journal | First Grow | Outside


Well-Known Member
First off this is my first grow let alone outside, I'm growing with my neighbor he's my homie but i'm germinating my seed's in a suite case in the closet ill have picture's up soon but there ready to probably be planted but i have to wait a day so i can do it in peace with out my mother being here etc.


Well-Known Member
First, how much should i water the plant's?

Today, when me and my f/riend get back from gokarting were going to plant these bad boy's but here's some picture from day 1 to day 3 which is today 8/9/2010

Red cup's we will be planting in, for the moment.

The soil im going to be using tell me if it's good.

The seed's Germinated

The seed's in the moist paper towel's in the paper plate's.

Where the seed's were hidden in my suitcase.

Suitcase in my closet.



Well-Known Member
Okay, so day 1 for the plant's in the soil me and my friend have 6 total. We are in the process of naming them there in a secret location in the wood's behind are subdivision but ill give you so photo's soon. The photo's i have now are of the plant's being planted etc. NOTE: Im the white guy, my friend's the black guy.

My friend watering the plant as i just put the seed in the half to a inch hole.

The bag we brought the soil in, in my backpack my friend watering the dirt before i put the seed in.

All 6 of my plant's



Well-Known Member
All people post i need some feedback on how I'm doing. I will be buying a pH meter tomorrow and a Moisture Meter, 10 bucks for both from lowe's also will be buying plant nutrient's. Miricle grow all purpose ? good let me know people i need help im a first time grower and let alone out side cause im scared for my mom to find out.


Active Member
When are you planning on putting these outside? I don't know where you live, but if it is USA it is too late for that


Well-Known Member
I live in texas it's still hitting 100 or so a day it will stay like that for a good 4 more month's or so we have late winter's, but there outside as we speak. Also how long should i let it grow in the cup before putting it in a bigger pot? and how long should i let it veg, and flower me and my friend don't want this thing getting huge but we want enough bud for personal use.


Well-Known Member
Okay day 4 all together but day 1 in soil one of the plant's which was the seed that was most germinated is got some stem or green coming out of the dirt after 1 day im amazed ill get picture's tomorrow, but here's some photo's of the cup's there's 6 total so 2 spot's with 3 cup's in each spot.



Plant food i bought tell me if it's good or not?

Also bought a hydrometer to measure how moist the plant's are, and it's a 3 in 1. Has a setting for pH, Light, and Moistness. The plant's in those place's get 2000+ light im thinking that's watts? or something but it's over the meter.


Well-Known Member
Again please feel free to comment i want to hear some tips if any or something tell me what im doing wrong etc.


Well-Known Member
*** UPDATING ***

Ill have pic's up later tonight. Today i moved them to a better location still same area just like 5 feet away from the old one.


Well-Known Member
Here's were the plant's are but there being moved there by the closest tree even though there a couple feet from it just need to be shaded so they don't get to hot or burn.

Here's one of the set's of plant's



Well-Known Member
5 of the 6 plant's got attack by bird's 1 had the stem ripped out the other's it look as if they ate the seeds or something but one survived and it's growing out of the dirt so thank god for that.