Swiss Cheese - Odorless?


My experience with Nirvana Seeds, was that of 20 regular beans (not fem) only 8 germinated, and only 3 turned to be female.
Of the 3 females, 2 were Swiss Cheese and 1 Aroura Indica.
Neither Swiss Cheese, had any smell or trichs, one had beautiful physical structure, with fairly dense flowers and high bud to leaf ratio, but NO SMELL! Totally ODORLESS!
The other Swiss Cheese was so crappy, leafy and loose with sparse flowers, and no smell, that it went immediately to edibles. It wasn't wortht the effort to manicure and harvest.
Lastly, the Aroura Indica female had that real dank aroma, with super sticky trichs all the way out to the tips of the sugar/bud leaves. It's okay structurally, fair flower to leaf ratio, poor bud density and average sized colas. Not great, considering.
So, that's one plant out of twenty that produced a fair product. I think that sucks, but, I admit... a lot of it is luck of the draw.
Ultimately, the quality is truly dependent on its genetics, but who has the best most dependable beans?
I should have been suspicious when I read that one of the parents of the Swiss Cheese, Swiss Miss, had been discontinued. Why? That should have been a clue. Next time I want to buy beans from a better breeder of a more stable strain. I am really disappointed. I did breed some seeds from both strains. I wonder if any of my Swiss Cheese will smell next year? I'm hoping out of the 50+ seeds from the Swiss Cheese I bred this year, that there is at least some phenos of it that will be full of trichomes and smell dank, and the same hope goes for the 50+ Aroura Indica seeds I grew, somewhere in there I'm bound to find some top notch genetics...
What does anyone else outhtere think?
And who has the most dependable and highest quality genetics, because frankly, Nirvana's ain't that great!


Well-Known Member
sounds like nirvana has another satisfied customer. lmao
thank fully I never tried swiss miss but they do have a few good strains.
serious seeds and mr. nice are great but soma seeds, sensi seeds, paradise seeds etc are also good theirs too many to list but some strains are better then others so you should look into strains before you buy them.


Well-Known Member
Na dude it is not luck of the draw, First you need good genetics. Nirvana is good if your comparing them to basic run of the mill comercial. Hell even I thought they were cool in my infant years. But then I ortdered originals and found Nirvana is wank. Their so called strong vars are only a small amount compared to the originals.

They did however carry some good vars. Misty and Citral. I wouldnt be supprised if Mau or whoever is in controle of products didnt just relabled the old Swiss miss skunk seeds they ad.

Blunt as listed most of the better breeders, most of the newer breeders carry better quality and prices than nirvana to. look at say Rokerij, female seeds etc.

a seed i fancy is OOseeds cheese berry (Blueberry X Cheese) and its only around £16 genetics are hard to fuck up


Na dude it is not luck of thedraw, First you need good genetics. Nirvana is good if your comparing them tobasic run of the mill comercial. Hell even I thought they were cool in myinfant years. But then I ortdered originals and found Nirvana is wank. Their socalled strong vars are only a small amount compared to the originals.
I am of the same opinion, really. I know there is some genetic variation withevery strain, but who'd expect to get only TWO BAD PHENOS from a particularstrain and then just average quality from the other. The males were all healthy,I selected the most robust male Swiss Cheese and Aurora Indica male andpollenated some lower flowers. I will try again with them again next season,hoping that the higher numbers I will find some improvement, but if not... Iguess I'll chunk both strains. I still can't believe that neither female evergrew any trichomes on the Swiss Cheese! WOW! Never in my life did I expectthat.
To be honest, most of the bag seed I used from commercial grade bud outperformedthe seeds from Nirvana. I'm disappointed, because I grew some seeds I was givenfrom a friend in Oregon like twenty years ago, and I had a some awesomegenetics. I think it was Northern Lights, but anyway I didn't do crap to thoseplants and they turned out to be the super dank kind bud. It was my first realgrow and harvest, but it was killer. Everyone who saw, smelled and smoked itoffered way over market price. I wouldn't sell, but I'd always smoke them out.Anyhow...
This summer was only my second grow since then, and well...
I kind of expected to see better results frankly from seeds bought fromAmsterdam. I mean I saw firsthand how much a roll genetics played in thequality of my first grow, and trust me, my crop was much healthier this time.Much more sunlight, Fox Farms 3 part, soil and molasses. My first grow was inthe middle of a forest, on the north side of a small hill. The site I chosethen got like 3 hours of direct sunlight in June! By the end August, they gotonly indirect sunlight, and those 11 plants all turned out to be female andyielded about 6 ounces, not great, but considering my poor choice for aguerrilla garden. I had fresh water access and used MiracleGro of some type,but not much.
This year my plants all were large and healthy and I say it again, I am shockedthat ordinary seeds out of halfway decent skunky commercial weed outperformed boththe Swiss Cheese and the Aurora Indica.
Thanks guys for your suggestions of other breeder and bean distributors ofhigher quality and more dependable genetics. I will definitely keep shoppingaround, and maybe try one of the strains you guys suggested. I did as muchresearch as I could about the strains I chose after I selected the breeder. Ichose Nirvana because they sell direct, but nest time I’ll have to use aseedbank middle man, like the Tude or Herbies. I wish more breeders would dealdirect, but I understand why. Didn’t he FBI and DEA kidnap some American ex-patwho was running a seed distro back in the 90’s? No one wants to hassle with theUS government. They are crooked and don’t play fairly, but that’s another story...


cheese seems to be orderless i hardly smell mine which is great.touch it
When you say "touch it," does Cheese have sticky resin/trichcomes that doesn't smell?
I've not seen it before, the Swiss Cheese I grew this year had no smell and no trichomes.
Now, I'm not sure where else in the cannabis plant THC is stored or made, but I do know it is found in the trichomes, and since the Swiss Cheese had none, and I saw that as a desireless phenotype.
On the bright side, I just did wake-n-bake with the Aurora Indica, and it is a nice head high, but it is strong and hard to stay on task this moring. It's smokes well, but like I said, it lacked the genetics for dense flowers, I thought it'd be a chunkier plant.