switch and need advice


Active Member
well i started with rockwool and my baby died and now i have to start over so now im using soil can u please help me.

well lets see i have a compact florevent light with a 105 light bulb and its in scotts potting soil well let me get some advice please i dont want a nother dead plant also i germinated the seed so how long will it take to sprout thanx guy.


Well-Known Member
Considering you have a relatively weak light, you should try to enhance the other essentials for the plant (over-compensating non-light related aspects).

1. Get good nutrients - there are a lot of nutrient threads to search through on this site. Start very VERY VERY low dosages in the beginning (maybe 1/4 the recommended dose). Every time you water (keep the sprouts moist and the bigger it gets, the less TIMES you water. Every time you do water SOAK her till water starts to drip out the bottom (not for sprouts though). Some use a gallon of water for every gallon of soil - but I find that to be overkill.

Every watering, increase the dose of nutes by 1/4 dosage until you are at recommended strength. Then in your case, gradually increase nute dosage until you are at about 150% - 175% dosage. Gradually REDUCE the nutes in the same fashion as you prepare for the pre-harvest flush.

2. Keep the light as close as possible.

3. Keep a fan on the plant from the time it's a sprout until it's a big juicy girl - this will drastically strengthen the stem and make for a heartier plant. Start on the lowest setting, of course.

4. Keep the temp as constant as you can. If your grow space is 75° that is perfect. If it's 80° that's OK as long as it stays 80 for the whole time. I've noticed a drastic energy shift in plants (especially novice homegrowns) when there is any temp shift of + / - 5° or more.

5. Turn the fan off a couple times a day and spray a mist of Seltzer Water on the plants for C02, or lookup how to make your own c02 thing on this site.

6. Because your light is probably not powerful enough to burn the leaves, you may want to experiment with foliar feeding - spraying the leaves with water. Some people spray with a mixture of water and nutes and others don't. Once the flowering cycle starts you definately don't want to use nutes in your spray. And if you decide to use nute-infused sprays during veg, be very careful to use only a tiny amount of nutes or else you will chemically burn your plant.

Good luck, post pics!


Well-Known Member
Unless you are an experienced hydroponics grower, and you have the money for a pimp set-up, FUCK rock wool. IF you're a newbie, use soil. Scotts is actually quite good to start with. You'll do much better with a soil medium.


Well-Known Member
you can start to sprout with rockwool and then move to soil its very simple, i do it all the time with no problem


Well-Known Member
Rootriot coir propagation cubes are EXCELLENT and can be inserted into pre soaked, PH adjusted Rockwool/Soil when well rooted. And what the others said.