Switch back to veg?


need some help guys, i have 5 diamond girl from greenhouse which have been in a 12/12 grow room for afew weeks , maby 5 or 6. the problem is that i left it a bit long to transplant and now they are full on flowering but very small in height and clear they arent going to be worth a fuck. any advice about switching to 18/6 would be great , eg how long before vegging etc. thanks in advance.

oh and what would happen if i topped them, like took the whole top bud off?
I would just continue to flower them if you try and revegg now you might cause the plant to hermie due to all that stress and be with a bucnh of seeds.
You say they been in 12/12 5-6 weeks wait another 3 and then start over is what I would do.


Active Member
If you reveg you are looking at 4-6 weeks for the plants to actually rebound from the confusion. And as wyteberrywidow said, you have a much higher chance of hermie. Cutting off the top bud will just cause more stress. I'd call it a learning experience and start over. Plus, you never know what you will get in the end. You may not get the yield you were looking for because the plants weren't big, but that doesn't mean you won't get some quality bud out of it if you just continue on.


thanks for the quick response guys.
aye your right, i'm going to leave them for a couple more weeks and see if they grow a bit.
what a disapointment.


Active Member
thanks for the quick response guys.
aye your right, i'm going to leave them for a couple more weeks and see if they grow a bit.
what a disapointment.
All part of the learning experience man! Hopefully they create a nice yield for you best of luck.


thanks for all the advice guys.
i'm gona see how they go, not expecting much tbh, in the meantime i've ordered some super bud and pineapple chunk.
i'll know in future not to be lazy and wait so long. thanks again.


Well-Known Member
My last grow was with Kolossus and I only vegged for 2 weeks. They ended up pretty small. Just one of those things though - 5/6 weeks in is over half way there, seems silly to start again. Maybe you could start vegging your next ones now? Or do you only have one usable grow area?


My last grow was with Kolossus and I only vegged for 2 weeks. They ended up pretty small. Just one of those things though - 5/6 weeks in is over half way there, seems silly to start again. Maybe you could start vegging your next ones now? Or do you only have one usable grow area?
yip only got the 1 grow area but i was thinking the same thing tonight, i'm going to tidy out another closet and get a C.F.L and start vegging in there.

i've got 11 plants in 12/12 from seed with a 600 hps , was only doing that for time reasons but if i veg for afew weeks and do some fimming then hopefully i can expect a decent yield.
i chopped 4 big bang last week and got about 21grams each.