switch to 12/12 in aweek?????????????


my first grow........
growing in doors in special mix soil under 2 600w lights
my plants are due to finish veg in 10 days and switch to 12/12 (they will have been in veg 4weeks)
im worried bout the size of my plants at this stage....or shouldnt i be???
will they still grow in size in the flower stage?? all the pics off plants ive seen on rollitup look massive
any1 have any advise



New Member
They will double to triple in size....

They seem ready to me....You can veg as long as you want to really.....if you want a little bit more buds out of the plant, wait a week or two , then push 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Flower those girls. Watch how much they grow. On you next grow adjust your grow. Want to veg more...then veg more. I would suggest Topping, some LST or super cropping. Experiment and learn.


Yes my friends....that's made me happy...
gonna give them another 10 days then they had there 4week


Active Member
Lst is low stress training

It's where u work the plant with ur fingers so u can bend it and u end up tieing it down so it says bent, and more light can penetrate the lower nodes..
Hope this helped bud
I'm nit tomgo at explaining things but there are a bunch of threads on this. Prob the hardest to do but worth the results. I experimented with topping on this crop I got going now. I'm doing lst or supper cropping on my new one.

Dank Hands

Active Member
Its your first grow. So, if I were you I wouldnt do anything fancy like scrog this time. I would flower those asap and try to keep them as healthy as possible and figure out how they react to the nutes you give them. I would buy a flouro and try cloning your healthiest one and keep the clone alive to be a mother plant. Good luck in whatever you choose to do! They kick it in high gear once you put it on 12/12


Well-Known Member
hers some 12-12 from seed plants to help inspire you.......i hope lol......:joint:



Well-Known Member
Wow those 12/12 from seed plants look really nice...
cheers mate, feel free to drop in on the 12-12 from seed thread ....link below.....all are welcome to post pics, ideas, ask questions........comment.