switched from cfl to hps


Active Member
i had a 4 plants under 3 45 watt cfls. and they grew nicely. and fast.
i switched to 2 150 watt vapot tight hps lights.
BUTT they slowed down on growing a lot!
they are like a foot away and kept cool with a fan.

? whyy?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Different light and maybe you are far enough into veg to switch to flowering.

Congrats on the switch...HPS will give you better results


Active Member
i was am just trying to flower them but they might be to small to flower... and how much do you thingk it will make a difference in the budd size and quality?


Well-Known Member
You had under half the wattage before, unless you remote mounted the ballasts I'm thinking you just need to test and see what the actual temperature is in there now.

If the temp is ok, you need to cut that light distance in half.

And check the temp again. And for a few hours. That's a 2 x jump in light/heat you didn't just exchange similar wattage there.