Switched today finally!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone!

So i had an investigator come yesterday and visit my property so had to take everything down, they were supposed to be coming tomorrow but moved the date 2 days forward. I had to strip everything down including tent, lights, fans...the lot! had to transport the girls aswell so had to put them in dustbin liners all night which they was in for approx 24 hours. I wasnt looking forward to opening the bags yesterday but to my amazement they were fine! condensation on the leaves but thats about it...no drooping or anything! plus they absolutely staaaank the place out when i opened them back up! all that hard work for 5 minutes look around the property which kind of pissed me off! got the tent up and running and everything back to normal again now. switched them today so im counting down the days! wish me luck! peace!!


Well-Known Member
Ya, good luck.
Did you start early like I had suggested? LOL Glad it went well.
Get a fan on them, get rid of the excess moisture !


Well-Known Member
Ya, good luck.
Did you start early like I had suggested? LOL Glad it went well.
Get a fan on them, get rid of the excess moisture !
yeh mate started early like u said! it went well. was real hard work to know that it was all for something for a 5 minute look around but it had to be done i suppose! they are back in there now with the carbon filter and rvk 200 fans! got some oscillator fans in there to so hope its ok! :)