Switching from FF to GH


Well-Known Member
As the title says. Im making the switch. I am growing in coco mixed with 15-20% composted manure and 30% perlite .(3rd ever indoor) In week three of flower with some ilgm super skunk. Would it be any issue to just switch the feeding schedule after a day of straight ph'd water? Ive got a scrog going so taking the 10g pot outside for a flush isnt an easy option. If i have to i can finish this run with the fox farm nutes. But Id like to give the rest of the fox farm stuff to my friend whos a disabled combat vet on a fixed income and in need. The sooner I can switch the sooner he can grow again.


Well-Known Member
I made the switch cold turkey more or less. Gave it straight PHd water for one irrigation cycle. And switched to the "grow weed easy" feeding schedule for GH. Plants didnt skip a beat. My scrogged plant made a noticeable increase in flower development within 48hrs of the switch. The other plants I was sexing before scrapping males/giving fems away to a friend