T.H.Seeds Burmese Kush Topping or Not? Pics Attached


Well-Known Member
well, i dont know if it was a bad batch odf seeds or what, but summer last year some other guys and myself ALL got 100% males, or hermies, out of every buku seed that germmed. they were beautiful plants, but all pollen......

now in bukus defense,. ive seen a cpl other threads here and there of people having a successful harvest of it, but as for my own personal experience with it, it was terrible.


Well-Known Member
i mean you could.. if you have the patience to wait a while for it to bounce back (1-2 months), it could turn out nice. If its a plant you can "spare" i would do it, but if its your only plant of something like that then I wouldnt


Active Member
top that n get the light closer to it! uncle ben it for 4 heads, if you want all 4 heads to grow in properly either get the light closer or rotate the plants as often as necessary to keep all the heads at an even level, 1 head could fall behind very easily n get stuck as a branch