t0rn's Kosher Kush and Hazy OG

Dried shot for you guys, came out as frosty as ever.

very nice dere Mr Torn
nice frost nice colors

Thanks bro. I have a question for you seed heads. I took clones too early last time and my seedlings never caught up in size and I couldn't run them together. My question is, since the seeds are soaking already, when should I take cuts so everything is the same size? Wait a week after planting the seeds to take clones? 2 weeks even?
I usually let my seedlings get at least the third set of leaves before topping for a cut, if I understand you correctly. ATB!
sorry dont quite get da question
but i have no cutting knowledge
i have only taken cuts about 3 times
i hope sumone wit more experience will chime in

but basics say if cuttings are taken when plants were mature --are ready to go
seedlings still to mature - to get ready to go
i dont know the time frame to make them equal out
id say wait about 3-4 on seedlings - a guess only

I guess it was a bit vague.

I have my hazy mom out in the sun getting big a juicy, I really like what the wind has done for her stems, nice and rigid. I'm talking about taking clones from the hazy. Lat round I had popped seeds and took clones from the hazy at the same time. Problem was the clones outpaced the seedlings and the seedlings were too small to compete for space in the flowering room.
i think gona be trial an error shot
unless sumone chimes in dats done it

wit givin data you collected already
i guss at cutting clones at seeeds 2 wk bday
takes about 2 wks for clones to root up good
seedlings now 4 weeks old

rooted good and transplanted to home pot and grown in good 2 weeks
so seedling now 6 weeks ( the way sum count it , sum say 2 wks seedling 4 wks veg)

a clone is like an adult once it gets enough roots it takes age of the mom
an a teen can compete wit an adult - a todler or child can not

da seedling has to live its whole life to reach maturity
an da cutting kinda jump starts off of a springboard to maturity
cause we all know nutin happens till maturity is reached

kinda like a race wit an adult and a kid
adult be finish race an kid still runnin

but adult and a 18-20 year old be different results

all thery Ha Ha
Thanks for that dweez, planting the cracked seeds today, I'll take clones 2 weeks after the seeds are up and out of the soil and hope for the best.
just usin logic master Torn all i have to offer

no experience or info on subject

if dis does not work out next time we try 3 weeks off from seeds breaking soil

we already know same start time does not work

this is whut i call trial an error is a winner
either way you win cause you learn sumtin for tomorrow
only looser is a man dat keeps doing same thing over an over
a even bigger loser expects sumtin diff to happen while he does same ting over an over

you my friend is a winner

So I'll probably be starting a new page back up since there will be neither hazy nor kosher in the next lineup.

Put a bunch of seeds in water to crack yesterday and by the time I get home from work they should all have little tails popping out.

What we have going is 9x chem 91 regular seeds, 1x OG #18, and 1 critical jack.

Hopefully I find a good pheno out of the chem, also looking for a decent male out of the bunch for breeding purposes.

Hope you all are having a great day
an backatchu mr Torn
gluck on endevours

i just got 8 above ground 2 below soil line still
not even one helmet on seedling
You should be able to get a male, 3 of the 3 91 chems were males still have more to go but high rate of males s9 far
an i hate dat fkn swerve but luv sum o his shit when it aint hermin up

i plan to grow my new starts for 4 wks putdem in to show
dump da cowboys dont need dem and grow da girlies a little moe
So far 6/8 confirmed females on the chem 91, just waiting on the last one to show sex. The stinkiest of the veggers turned out to be male so I've already made my male selection for pollen.
Last to show sex turned out to ne a male, but I actually got a good ratio male to female. Out of 10 seeds I had 7 females, 2 males and one dud. Planted the first seed at the beginning of the season and grew it outdoors.

Taking 2 clones off of the 6 females I have flowering tonight incase one turns out great.
Waiting out four Sour Kush (S1) myself....hope not, but I'm thinking three males....:cuss:

I was under the impression before that males would sexually mature faster than females from what I've read, but it was the male's that showed their sex last for me.
I was under the impression before that males would sexually mature faster than females from what I've read, but it was the male's that showed their sex last for me.
I would imagine that like other variables, it's probably strain/genetic dependent.....atm it's still up in the air. ATB!