T5 and How Close does it Need to be for 4000 lumes?

I'm pretty sure the "rule of thumb" is to put your hand under your light... if it is hot on the top of your hand it is hot for your plants. Your using fluroescent tubes so you probably don't have too much to worry about :blsmoke:. If the leaves begin to grow upward at about a 80 degree angle than that means they are heat stressed an you should move the light upward more. It won't necessarily harm the plant but it will slow down its growth a little until you move the light to a less heat radiant distance :)
Alright nice trial and error method. at 2' They are responding great....better to this than the 1000w at 38'' away. Have twelve seedlings and two clones under and all responding very well.
I run 2 -25 watt tubes and i keep em about 1-2 inches away. As long as yur foliage is not touching its golden. Mine are just under 5000 lumens so yurs should work about the same.
i have 4 bulb 4 foot bulbs 2700k, i keep them as close as possible.. no more than 2 inches away, gotta get all the light you can out of floro tubes.. i also have 68w cfl 2700k for additional side lighting.
You can move em even closer if you want tight stacked nodes. go like 2 or 3 inches. Just make sure you check em daily for growth or they will grow into the light.
get the plants as close as you can to the light so they don't stretch out and become all spindly. have a 6 inch fan blowing (oscillating) over them to help strengthen them and keep them cool and comfortable. temps should be around 80 +/-
Yeah.. You are a little confused...

6000K refers to the light spectrum, not the light intensity.

If you dont put that light almost on top of your plants they are going to stretch.

You really cant hurt plants with flouros.
thank you i did not know that, Right now there 2-3 inches away. the new nodes being formed look really stacked from each other. Really awsome light. Now would i be able to mother with this light?
In my experience even if they grow in to the bulb for a little while nothin bad happens
i gotta disagree with that. i was moving some plants around the other day, and slid a tall one under my t5, and it just about smoked the whole top. i wouldn't let mine get any closer then 2" with a fan.
As close as possible, that usually means daily height checking. but your good 1 inch, as long as you have air circulation they wont burn inless they hit the bulb for a long time, which sometimes is in less than a day cuz they grow fast.