T5 Fluorescent light ?'s


Well-Known Member
Mudd, here is my experience. I have a 2 foot, four bulb T5 fixture, I run two bloom and two veg tubes all the time. I have flowered under T5's and it's not a problem. Can you get as large a yield as a 400W HID? No. I wouldn't Veg past 18 inches Max and keep the lamp close to the plant tops. Don't let the plants touch the leaves for very long, you may have heard it won't burn them, it will. Good luck, these T5'S are pretty good little lights.


Well-Known Member
@ AKDOGG: Absolutely! 3" is plenty far away. The rule of thumb is that the lights should be as close to your plants without burning them.
here's a pic of my clones that I got few weeks ago 4 of the plants were taller and rest is shorter they are grand daddy purples and pot of golds and I was using the T8 and it didn't grew my plants so I got the T5 and now it's growing faster i'm low stressing them one of the plant is nearly dead lol hope I can get it to grow. I first had my T5 like 5" away and I just pull the lights higher i'm afraid it might kill my plants should I lower my T5? Also should I flush these small plants i'm using advance micro,grow and bloom and hygrowzymes and for mites I'm using Azatrol



Active Member
I keep my T5 maybe 1/2" above canopy, and have never had problems with burning...that's not to say that it COULDN"T burn, just depends on air circulation, etc.

I'm currently doing an all T-5 grow using two 48" 8-bulb Phoneix XL. It's coming along very well, check out my grow journal for more details if anyone is interested.

The important thing to remember is to switch to red spectrum (2700k) bulbs for flowering!



I currently have 2 t5's and im working on a set up. It should be done in a week or so, ill post some pics or how things go.


@ bigv1976
dam, i hope i get results half that good! you are pro +respect

what kind of bulbs do you use?


Truth B Known

Active Member
I'm using a sunsystems 'sun blaze 45' T5.. bought it in local hydro shop for $230. has 8 4' bulbs, 54w a piece so 432w total, bulbs are 6500k bule -puts off 40,000 lumens. runs cool compared to most lights, slightly warm i guess.. I'm running it 24h over 36 blue dream clones now. I keep it about 3-4" from the top of the tallest little baby girl. gonna b hittin em with 4 1000w hps's for 12/12... in a 5-6 weeks. first time using T5!


Active Member
"big up" for t5ho I was thinking of getting new wave 2ft 8 bulb both spec or the indagro induction 400 pro series. I didn't think you could flower under t5? i see i was wrong this changes everything :):):)