T5 Full Cycle Auto Grow?


Hello everyone! This is my first post and I am new to this but have been reading... reading... reading some more... reading, hah anyway I dont have a lot of startup money to spend. I already have two T5 4 footers and was reading some posts with T5 "I think" Full Cycle Autoflowering grows and was wondering if anyone has any experience with this type of setup. Heat is kind of a problem where i'm at. I guess the man thing I am wondering if it is possible to get 1/2 oz. to 1 .oz per plant (3 plants total) with a T5 full cycle grow with hydroponics and autoflowering genetics.




I have the same setup.. I have been talking to some experienced friends and they don't seem to think my T5's are going to be able to produce anything worth while. I know it is possible with a fluorescent just think my 4 foot tubes are better for seedlings but wont support flowering because of lack of intensity. I think i need to get some more compact fluorescents. Have you come by any new information since posting this forum??? I am looking for someway to grow using only cheap fluorescent lights in my closet. Also, what is an auto flowering strain? Is it just a strain that will begin flowering without decreased light?


Thanks for the information! Autoflowering is really cool stuff, you keep the light cycle at 20/4 for the full grow cycle. They change from veg to flower on their own at about 3-6 weeks and seed to smoke at about 12 weeks. Usually short and fat in size. There is a sticky thread on this forum all about it.