taco droopy leaves :(


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, pretty new to growin'. uh, got about, uh, 15 plants. Can you guys help me figure out what's wrong? they're about 10 inches tall. orange kush strain. please! don't want my babies to die!

growing under 48'' fluorescent grow light, with heat lamp, a miniture fan, with two soft white CFLs. temperature runs around 73 degrees. I know, low, but... Im working on it!


Active Member
hey whats up boneyards it will really help if u have some piks with that umm whats ur water schedule do u use nutes how far are ur plants from the light we need more info and pikks is a plus!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh my bad.

I usually water them when the soil doesn't feel moist enough, which is usually around every other day. They are about 3 inches away from fluorescent grow light, and 2 CFL's.
We use miracle grow all purpose plant feed once a week, and use miracle grow organic mix soil, mixed with bonemeal for extra nitrogen for plant growth and leaf development. :)
Also, They are in a refridgerator, to help keep in light, and heat. The heat is perfect!

Sorry I can't post pics at the moment because I lost my camera D:

But I will have pics up soon!

Thanks bro!! ;D


from what youve said you need more light, 2 cfls and a 48'' tube isnt going to do much for 15 plant. then theres you watering/feeding, i dont know much about MG stuff but i do know you shouldnt be using the soil your useing with the MG nutes. thats to much nutes your giving them.so what i think would be best to do is use a diffrent soil if you can but if not keep useing the mg soil and not feed them any and keep the water down to about ever 3 days, thats cause the MG soil has slow release nutes in it. i hopw all this helps

New Grower 420

Active Member
more light what you have iint going to grow 15 plants id take about 13 of those and put them outside in the sun and another prob your over feeding them the MG already has nutes in it and your giving them more nutes in the feed way to much there the mg soil should be enough alone for the vedgeing


Well-Known Member
Umm, if you're growing in a refrigerator how are you getting fresh CO2 in to replace what they use up? And I agree that the lights you have aren't anywhere near enough to grow 15 plants. It's possible to grow them with T5's and cfls, but a 4 bulb bank of T5's thats 48" long is going to handle MAYBE 3 plants once they are 20+" tall and start to widen out. If it were me I'd be thinking about getting a couple of 400 or 600w HIDS and finding a larger space to grow in, or cut the grow down to about 2-3 plants.


Well-Known Member
Using around 3 fridges now. Getting a good grow tent sometime this week. hopefully there will be some more room for the guys.


Well-Known Member
Ok, that will make a difference. If you aren't leaving the fridges propped open or don't have some way for fresh air to get in your plants are going to exhaust the available CO2 in a matter of a few hours, which could very well be a large part of your current problem. If you were sealed in a fridge you would end up suffocating once the available oxygen ran out, and the same thing applies to your plants when it comes to CO2 (though the process takes longer).