Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Well-Known Member
If you insist, Jin

Just keep the good, fresh stuff coming, baby.
Morning Sunsire in chilly Amsterdam, "yesh, we alsho haf shun in sha Lowlandsh, wheresh my klompen?"

the rest are in my journal...or will be soon, you saw them here first!

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
If you insist, Jin

Morning Sunsire in chilly Amsterdam, "yesh, we alsho haf shun in sha Lowlandsh, wheresh my klompen?"

the rest are in my journal...or will be soon, you saw them here first!

Peace, DST
A beautiful healthy girl deserves a beautiful healthy girl in return.


Well-Known Member
Bob Dylan is a great artist, and I'm not an old fart.
Beautiful foliage Lordjin, shame about the bear.
Last time I had a bear problem I used neem oil, worked fine.


Well-Known Member
Bob Dylan is a great artist, and I'm not an old fart.
Beautiful foliage Lordjin, shame about the bear.
Last time I had a bear problem I used neem oil, worked fine.
Aha! One for Dylan. I knew it. And the fact that you're not an old fart makes it more special to me.

Lol on the neem / bear remark.

I'll respond to you by saying this is a very special day indeed. I'm off to the hydro shop to get my bloom nutes.... You guessed it, we start today! Orange light update to come later.


Well-Known Member
Tahoe OG vs. Lordjin's Orange Box Show!

3, 2, 1, RUMBLE:leaf:

Can't wait for tomorrow, I already know the difference will be overnight.


Well-Known Member

So here's how it went down at the hydro store. There's this cat there on weekends who knows his shit and often talks about his own grow. Now I remember discussing the topic of legal liability with these hydro grow supply stores on another thread. One of the other posters pointed out how these places are tight lipped about any specific mention of cannabis because of the possible legal implications.

Well when I asked hydro store guy about Kushie Kush vs. Big Bud, he pointed to the KK bottle I put on the counter and asked if that was what I'm growing. I said affirmative, and he told me that I should forget about all the other AN bud enhancers and get that. I think maybe the grow shops in Cali are a bit more open about it. Lol.


Active Member
Good luck with the Kushie Kush! I've heard mixed reviews.

If you're ever interested in other supplements in the future you might want to try HCO products. Snow Storm Ultra is especially effective (you saw that Xj-13!) but I don't think you can really go wrong with HCO.

Btw, Ferry Corsten <3


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the Kushie Kush! I've heard mixed reviews.

If you're ever interested in other supplements in the future you might want to try HCO products. Snow Storm Ultra is especially effective (you saw that Xj-13!) but I don't think you can really go wrong with HCO.
Those mixed reviews are a bitch. This is a fairly new AN product release and I've never used it. So my expectations are zero. Always safe to start from that vantage point.

A Push For Your Kush, thats hilarious...Looking good lordjin.
I know. It's a funny name and funnier idea. I take it with a grain of salt, but the label is cute. Lol. I would have added, "More Kushion for your Pushion."


Well-Known Member

The 1000w HPS is always a game changer. Hang on, here we go...


Well-Known Member
this is looking really good jin ....
dont f it up....lol

edit ... i just harvested not to long ago...maybe ill swing bye next week for a smoke... :blsmoke:


The 1000w HPS is always a game changer. Hang on, here we go...


Well-Known Member
this is looking really good jin ....
dont f it up....lol

edit ... i just harvested not to long ago...maybe ill swing bye next week for a smoke... :blsmoke:
My door is always open to you, buddy.

You really do have to see and smell these in person... I guess you couldn't smell it any other way, huh?

And don't worry. Not fucking these up is my top priority. I cut out that hygrozyme shit. It was just dirtying my res. My roots don't need any help in my system. I should have known this.


Well-Known Member
keep it simple my friend .... i know you got this one under control.....
I cant wait to see the mighty resin bong again....


Well-Known Member
The main stalks trained into that position so the ties got slack. Now the cage is doing all the work.

Low and even canopy light penetration. You don't truly understand what scrogging is until you actually do it.


Well-Known Member
keep it simple my friend .... i know you got this one under control.....
I cant wait to see the mighty resin bong again....
Last time that was cuz we wuz in a hurry. I'll make sure I have my vape nice and warmed up for you this time.


Well-Known Member
This is it. Stretch time. Yet another tuck session. Let me tell you, doing this kind of work is a great way to get an hps burn on the back of your neck.

Where there is screen, I will train. I kind of suspected I'd be filling up the last of the screen real estate towards beginning of flower

That damned bear again...


Well-Known Member
That's the best part about these plants. They perk back up so quick!
Yeah, I never have a problem with vigor. It's only too much vigor that has caused me problems in the past. The pace at which these are growing has me optimistic about controlling height... But it's only day one.