Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (Scrog Edition)


Active Member
I don't use that harsh splattery spray bottle it comes in. I use a super fine atomizing sprayer I lifted out of my photography stuff. It shoots out a micro fine mist spray and is perfect for plant care.

Your plants look great. And your proactive treatment with Serenade will ensure a mold/mildew free grow. Nice work!
Yup.. figured out that bottle sprayer shot loads instead of misting! Wiped everything down .. was thrilled to see all the ladies still happy this am. Thanks for the compliment Jin .. they're not as far along as I thought they'd be .. but considering they didn't break through from seed till 3 wks ago .. I guess I'm gauge'n um against ur kushies .. from clone .. is not fair to them. lol


Well-Known Member
Yup.. figured out that bottle sprayer shot loads instead of misting! Wiped everything down .. was thrilled to see all the ladies still happy this am. Thanks for the compliment Jin .. they're not as far along as I thought they'd be .. but considering they didn't break through from seed till 3 wks ago .. I guess I'm gauge'n um against ur kushies .. from clone .. is not fair to them. lol
Plants love it. I actually see even more vigorous health in the plants overall right after a treatment.

Yup, you gotta give a little development time for the seedlings. Can't compare it to clones.


Active Member
How long after the 'smell' goes away do you treat again ? Also, I spoke to hydro guy about 3% h2o2 ... said there might be 'other' stuff in there plants don't like .. recommends the 35% stuff .. but I'm toooo scared to use it ! Gonna do first h202 bath today while I rez change (w 3% @ 280ml per gallon).

Note to self: More totes = more work ! Gotta upgrade system next cycle to ONE main rez !


Well-Known Member
How long after the 'smell' goes away do you treat again ? Also, I spoke to hydro guy about 3% h2o2 ... said there might be 'other' stuff in there plants don't like .. recommends the 35% stuff .. but I'm toooo scared to use it ! Gonna do first h202 bath today while I rez change (w 3% @ 280ml per gallon).

Note to self: More totes = more work ! Gotta upgrade system next cycle to ONE main rez !
The smell should go away within seven days, which is the recommended time to wait between treatments.

Yeah, I tend to agree with the hydro guy for a change. It's not a sin to use the regular 3% stuff just as a flushing agent, but if you're actually gonna run it in your res as an additive, a light concentration of the food grade stuff is best.

Unless there is a lot of brown muck you want to clear away, you don't need to use that much. I used that much because I had a slight muck problem from some organics I used earlier in the grow. If you don't have any particular muck problem, just go with one third of that dose (one bottle instead of three).

And before you h202 die-hards bite my head off, I know something like one bottle of 3% h202 isn't a reliable method of total microbe annihilation. But my suggestion is that if your roots aren't dirty and you're just using it for maintenance purposes, a light dose of the 3% is quite innocuous to your plants while exciting greater action in your bubblers and sprayers, gently assisting in the flush/purge.


Well-Known Member
It's really coming along nicely. I'm detecting some slight yellowing in the larger leaves due to the N cut back.

These aren't two photos of the same bud believe it or not. The uniformity of bud development is worth noticing.

Chunking up good and proper. This time the jungle is staying low.



Well-Known Member
OMG great bud uniformity, a sign of a stable strain. frosty and delicious. ive seen with my OG strain some early yellowing as well... you gonna just let it cruise for now? some will add a little more N to prolong healthy foilage, some will ride it out to keep bud production at peak growth... youre at 6-8-18 right now with the sensi+KK so pretty balanced. i would let it cruise for now, its totally rockin the bud booster... YUM

pour some of these nugs on a bowl of cereal, yummmmmmmm *drool*

cheers, mr.bond


Well-Known Member
OMG great bud uniformity, a sign of a stable strain. frosty and delicious. ive seen with my OG strain some early yellowing as well... you gonna just let it cruise for now? some will add a little more N to prolong healthy foilage, some will ride it out to keep bud production at peak growth... youre at 6-8-18 right now with the sensi+KK so pretty balanced. i would let it cruise for now, its totally rockin the bud booster... YUM

pour some of these nugs on a bowl of cereal, yummmmmmmm *drool*

cheers, mr.bond
Whoa, you sure know your nute numbers. Impressive.

Ohhh Boy Jin Man Im gona bust in my pants!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Hey, have you guys ever seen this before? Don't you just hate it when bits of unburned green bud get sucked through that hole in your glass bowl and end up in your bong water? Me too. Don't you just hate those metal screens that get fucked up after two bowls and defeat the purpose of a glass smoke anyway?

This is by far the smallest piece of glass paraphernalia I have ever bought. Yes you guessed it. It's a glass screen. It's basically the world's smallest, most expensive jack at 2.99.

You slimply place it snugly over the gaping black hole of your glass bowl... that hole that sucks precious bud particles, unsmoked, wasted down the drain.

Your favorite ground bud is then tightly packed right over it.

Look ma! No particles! And this is how we use the "glass screen," Kiddies.

Keep is sane, keep it glass. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey, have you guys ever seen this before? Don't you just hate it when bits of unburned green bud get sucked through that hole in your glass bowl and end up in your bong water? Me too. Don't you just hate those metal screens that get fucked up after two bowls and defeat the purpose of a glass smoke anyway?

This is by far the smallest piece of glass paraphernalia I have ever bought. Yes you guessed it. It's a glass screen. It's basically the world's smallest, most expensive jack at 2.99.

You slimply place it snugly over the gaping black hole of your glass bowl... that hole that sucks precious bud particles, unsmoked, wasted down the drain.

Your favorite ground bud is then tightly packed right over it.

Look ma! No particles! And this is how we use the "glass screen," Kiddies.
Glass Screens bro they been around a lil minet now there good to have!


Well-Known Member
Glass Screens bro they been around a lil minet now there good to have!
I feel so silly. Here I thought I had discovered the wheel and sliced bread all over again. Shit.

Why the fuck didn't the guy at the smoke shop tell me about them sooner? Asshole.


Active Member
Yeah, I tend to agree with the hydro guy for a change. It's not a sin to use the regular 3% stuff just as a flushing agent, but if you're actually gonna run it in your res as an additive, a light concentration of the food grade stuff is best.

Unless there is a lot of brown muck you want to clear away, you don't need to use that much. I used that much because I had a slight muck problem from some organics I used earlier in the grow. If you don't have any particular muck problem, just go with one third of that dose (one bottle instead of three).
Aaaaaccckkkkkkk !@ NOW you tell me 1/3 ~!! :wall: No muck problems .. but did notice alot of hydroton 'debris' at the bottom of each rez .. with that slight earthy, fish pond smell. The PE & AK48 .. did NOT like the h2o2 bath ! Bit wilted .. is that NORMAL ???

Fresh nutes tho .. 1/3 CalMag .. 1/3 AN Sensi A .. 1/3 AN Sensi B .. to 5 Gal ='s 210 ppm.. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Aaaaaccckkkkkkk !@ NOW you tell me 1/3 ~!! :wall: No muck problems .. but did notice alot of hydroton 'debris' at the bottom of each rez .. with that slight earthy, fish pond smell. The PE & AK48 .. did NOT like the h2o2 bath ! Bit wilted .. is that NORMAL ???

Fresh nutes tho .. 1/3 CalMag .. 1/3 AN Sensi A .. 1/3 AN Sensi B .. to 5 Gal ='s 210 ppm.. ;-)
They'll be fine. You just didn't need to use that much, but no damage was done. That slightly earthy, fish pond smell, I think of it as 'aquarium smell' is entirely normal.


Active Member
Hey, have you guys ever seen this before? Don't you just hate it when bits of unburned green bud get sucked through that hole in your glass bowl and end up in your bong water? Me too. Don't you just hate those metal screens that get fucked up after two bowls and defeat the purpose of a glass smoke anyway?

This is by far the smallest piece of glass paraphernalia I have ever bought. Yes you guessed it. It's a glass screen. It's basically the world's smallest, most expensive jack at 2.99.

You slimply place it snugly over the gaping black hole of your glass bowl... that hole that sucks precious bud particles, unsmoked, wasted down the drain.

Your favorite ground bud is then tightly packed right over it.

Look ma! No particles! And this is how we use the "glass screen," Kiddies.

Keep is sane, keep it glass. Peace.
If you think the glass screen is snazzly, you should check into the "activated carbon filters" which stops all resin before it gets into your piece and save your lungs!!!


Well-Known Member
That looks cool. I know there's a lot of gadgetry out there I'm not taking advantage of. I'm a pretty primitive pot smoker I'll admit. Getting all excited about the glass screen on Riu. I should have known better. I'm such an idiot. Will I ever live this down on RIU? Mods? Can we get an entry erase here, please? Lol. I'm kind of a brute when it comes to smoking.