Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
Looking good Tahoe. Just a question, have you looked into LST maybe for your grow as height *might* be a problem, maybe something worth investigating... just a thought:peace:


Well-Known Member
hey Harkin...yes it is what I have originally condsidered and continue to consider. however, my original motivation was to encourage maximum buddage....and with the way this thing is branching all over the place....my motivation to LST will now be to better control the height...thanks for bringing that forward...preciate that!


Well-Known Member
time to take a break from all this hard work, and have BRUNCH!....buttermilk pancakes, bacon and coffee! Load up on carbos....and Java (Dark Roast)......hmmmmmm....I'm starved! :hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
I know man, those little beasts are just fuckin' blowin' up! No signs on sex yet, but I'm sure you'll be there soon. What day and how tall AND what day of flowering at they on?

Your's and Humbolt's grows have always been a favorite of mine to watch, even when my title was just a wee little "Knows how to roll a joint." ;)


Well-Known Member
oh...thanks so much....the sexing bodies are coming.....but I have always held her to be a she...so thats my story 'n I'm stickin' to it! hahahahaha....the pics from today are day 21, (19 days vege from sprout and 2nd day of flower) thanks again! :blsmoke::peace::blsmoke::peace::blsmoke:
I know man, those little beasts are just fuckin' blowin' up! No signs on sex yet, but I'm sure you'll be there soon. What day and how tall AND what day of flowering at they on?

Your's and Humbolt's grows have always been a favorite of mine to watch, even when my title was just a wee little "Knows how to roll a joint." ;)


New Member
hope you like them!:mrgreen:
Yes, a beautiful and healthy plant... you can see that a lot of care has been taken with it. No overnute, under nute... One thing I couldn't gather properly from the pic's is whether the nodes are alternating yet? It seems there are some that are, and some that aren't.

I think though that you may have mistaken new leaf growth for pre-flowers. I have never seen pre-flowers earlier than 4 weeks, and that's under 24/0 400w MH. From my own experience... I must add. I was trying to work out YGF's veg/pre-flower ratio the other day (with the power of memory, lol. my fingers too lazy to scroll back and do the math)... but I'm sure his was very fast. Something I keep meaning to bring up, but forgetting about.

Even when they're flowering I usually go through a bout of paranoia that new leaf growth is male balls, and the plant is turning hermie. I gave a whole plant away once, because of it. There was nothing wrong with it, and the friend I gave it to was well chuffed.


Well-Known Member
:mrgreen: thanks a bunch Skunk. I really appreciate you taking the time come and take a look.......your assessment is correct, some are alternate and some aren't....but it is progressing rather quickly now under the HPS............and as I mentioned earlier in the thread ....for reasons of circumstance, she (yes...I continue to use the power of psotive thinking....) has been put into 12/12 on Friday evening.......any assessment I am making of preflowering is totally premature....there are very very tiny tiny bodies showing in the crux of stems (I believe I am differentiating from new leaf stalks).....but again...as stated earlier in the thread....I will just wait...they'll show when they show....I totally understand your comments about being paranoid of this and that as it relates to the sexing and specific structures. thanks again for pipining in...cheers! I'll post some more pics when there is something more to show :mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:
Yes, a beautiful and healthy plant... you can see that a lot of care has been taken with it. No overnute, under nute... One thing I couldn't gather properly from the pic's is whether the nodes are alternating yet? It seems there are some that are, and some that aren't.

I think though that you may have mistaken new leaf growth for pre-flowers. I have never seen pre-flowers earlier than 4 weeks, and that's under 24/0 400w MH. From my own experience... I must add. I was trying to work out YGF's veg/pre-flower ratio the other day (with the power of memory, lol. my fingers too lazy to scroll back and do the math)... but I'm sure his was very fast. Something I keep meaning to bring up, but forgetting about.

Even when they're flowering I usually go through a bout of paranoia that new leaf growth is male balls, and the plant is turning hermie. I gave a whole plant away once, because of it. There was nothing wrong with it, and the friend I gave it to was well chuffed.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I have never seen pre-flowers earlier than 4 weeks, and that's under 24/0 400w MH. From my own experience... I must add. I was trying to work out YGF's veg/pre-flower ratio the other day (with the power of memory, lol. my fingers too lazy to scroll back and do the math)... but I'm sure his was very fast. Something I keep meaning to bring up, but forgetting about.

My seeds went into the pots on Oct. 18. My first showed on the 29th. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/30116-been-long-time-coming-been-28.html#post380586

Picture from AM of 30th.

Actually went back and looked. Appears my old man's sense of females was going off a full week prior to the plant showing sex. I documented my thoughts here, but was afraid to say more that what I said at the time.


Well-Known Member
Well, I am taking the plunge. :joint: We're gonna do this. I have a plan that makes sense (to me) and costs are reasonable - and the results - well, we'll just have to wait and see. :peace: This is the first gro in over 30 yrs, and more than a year listening and learning. My goal is a successful crop - not the most yeild, not the biggest tree, not monstrous bud, just ahealthy plants that offer reasonable yeild and high quality smoke. Those other goals are most commendable by those that pursue them, just not for me, this time around. :peace:
My space is approx. 2' x 3' x h (more than I need (i.e., >7')). I have a shelving unit to hang the light bar (with 9 x 42W CFLs - in three tri-arrays). should be able to easily accomodate a 3-4' plant. I may be looking at topping but we'll cross that bridge when we get there. I like the idea of low bushy plants with more than one cola. the light bar is 14" x 32" entirely aluminum foiled, and it essentially forms a lid to the grow area below. I will put a timer in place for 18/6 and then 12/12 when the time is right. my plan is to do a minimum of two weeks vege, see where we're at the switch fairly early into flowering. :roll:

I have two 5 gal. pots with soil - professional potting soil, nothing fancy - with drip trays underneath. I have room for six pots depending on germination success? I will get some nutrients once they get started. :hump:

I have six seeds germinating - 3 Top44 and 3 BigBud - one Top44 has a definate crack showing - one of the BB might have been cracked and I didn't notice - I keep it there and see what happens for now. :roll:

I have an oil filled radiator heater with thermostat - the temp in the space is 16-23C (morning low - day high) and 29-35% humidity. I had been thinking that the natural sunlight through the window would suffice, but seems that more lighting is hugely beneficial, so closing off the window to all light (in or out) will be in order.

Once it is all set up properly I will take some photos. It feels good to have this underway. Now the real work starts, eh? :mrgreen:
30 years, since your last grow.:roll:
how old are you.


Well-Known Member
1958...is the year I was born.........so.....hmmmm... that would make my coming birthday my 50th......yikers....did I just say that!.....in 1977-78-79 I grew outdoors.....and you wouldn't believe me where we did that......north of the 60th parallel. hahahahaha....almost 24hr sunlight.....crazy crazy times! :mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:
30 years, since your last grow.:roll:
how old are you.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
1958...is the year I was born.........so.....hmmmm... that would make my coming birthday my 50th......yikers....did I just say that!.....in 1977-78-79 I grew outdoors.....and you wouldn't believe me where we did that......north of the 60th parallel. hahahahaha....almost 24hr sunlight.....crazy crazy times! :mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Once you get a good mother plant going, you should consider flowering around 10". after clones root, this takes around 13-15 days to get that height. More or less strain dependent. The only problem I foresee is keeping the mother short enough for your BCNL (Got a call back from them by the way, he was very patient considering my New Orleans accent and I just repierced my lips last night).

My suggestion; get others interested in growing and sell clones. Not only would this be extra income for you, extra practice, it would solve the growth problem.

And it looks like I should've gotten a patent lol.


Well-Known Member
Oldsters:hump: .. both of you are old enough to be my granddaddys, I'm only 18 will be 19 shortly after xmas...

Keep on growing, not just the pot!


Well-Known Member
:peace:hey man...thanks for your thoughts....preciate that a lot.

Yea...a patent.....scary eh?! :peace:
Once you get a good mother plant going, you should consider flowering around 10". after clones root, this takes around 13-15 days to get that height. More or less strain dependent. The only problem I foresee is keeping the mother short enough for your BCNL (Got a call back from them by the way, he was very patient considering my New Orleans accent and I just repierced my lips last night).

My suggestion; get others interested in growing and sell clones. Not only would this be extra income for you, extra practice, it would solve the growth problem.

And it looks like I should've gotten a patent lol.


Well-Known Member
well, I last posted pics on Sunday afternoon. Here are today's pics. the plant continues to grow well. The height is now 12", the width is 27", and the largest individual fan leaves are 7" long and 1 1/2" wide. The stems are robust and stout. the sexing bodies are not well developed, some very very tiny structures can be identified in the crux locations, but I am not guessing. As Skunk says, he has never seen sexing before 4 weeks (28 days) and I am not there yet.

Schedule and Lighting - The plant (Top44) went into flowering in the evening on day 19. Vege was using 9 x 42W cfls. Flowering is now with 400W HPS.

Watering and nutes - I have measured her moisture levels....the need to water solely ........ by fingering her....hmmmm...sorry I mean testing the pot - surface and at the bottom holes. I continued with vegeing nutes until today (last feed was Sunday), and today feed flowering nutes for the first time. Its pretty consistent that she gets water/feeding every two-three days.

I have a 4-way meter (pH, moisture, light, and nutes). On Sunday it showed me slightly wet, and today edging into dry...so my finger does seem to be a good measure - if I believe the meter? I am not certain how accurate the meter necessarily is, but I expect that I can rely on the change in reading as a decent reflection of realities.

Hope you like the pics.



Well-Known Member
a couple of stem shots......

In looking at these shots above and these.....and my thoughts about FIM and LST....I am not sure if I really want/need to do anything. it seems to me that the branching and node development is rather satisfactory.....or should I really consider tying some of the stems back and down? if so, any guidance in this regard will be most welcome.



Well-Known Member
Man they are looking healthy..good work:hump:

If you wanted to you could tie some of the branches to the side and give the bottom branches some more light. I did that with my lady, she is so bloody bushy I had to and it does help. Also the bending makes the stem thicker...choices:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks Harkin....preciate the feedback. I was thinking I might wait to confirm her parts.....before doing that? or do you thikn one should do it better now than later? :mrgreen:
Man they are looking healthy..good work:hump:

If you wanted to you could tie some of the branches to the side and give the bottom branches some more light. I did that with my lady, she is so bloody bushy I had to and it does help. Also the bending makes the stem thicker...choices:mrgreen:
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