Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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as a recently divorced young man of 49 going on 22....those lips are sizzling!....hahahahahaha...you know....done with my procreation thing....now it time to have some fun!:hump::hump::hump::hump:

thanks man 'preciate the info. that's exactly what I'm doing. I'll be keeping everyone up to date and things progress. thanks again! :blsmoke:
I had a problem like this before..It turned out that my ph meter was a full point off, and so they had been living in 5.0 water for 2 weeks. So I am thinking they were not getting all the K that they wanted due to a low ph level. This was done in a hydro-flood and drain. If I were you, I would dry them out as Lacy suggested, and if that does not help, then take the next step, flush, and feed with correct ph'd water. GL, I am interested to see what happens with this...Damb those LIPS, so f-ing hot!


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha yuppers.....the coast is clear, the wigglies have been permanently corralled.....and there's more bounce in life right now that there has been for a long long time! hahahahaha.:joint::peace::joint::peace::joint:

So what did today bring. well a short shopping excursion, and I have what? (1) a 200W cfl 6400K - awesome addition to replace the 125W that I had, and (2) a CO2 tank so that I can set up my CO2 generation in the supersetup....yeooowwzzer! oh yea....the tables are gonna rock! I'm looking forward to this all very much!

BUT.....BUT....BUT....the BIG news......we'll be right back after this commercial break....:mrgreen:


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well, we have to break out the pink cigars.....that's right .... we have confirmed calyx and pistils....I have a pic (but it is not as clear as it is when you see her in all her fabulous flesh and sap....)...a grand day indeed! :hump:



Well-Known Member
Wooo Haaaaa,,,you must feel good Tahoe,,she's looking fabulous,,congratulations,,,and continued good luck

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
thks HoLE....yes this is wonderful...the only Top44 plant that made it from three seeds, to one sprout to one lovely and most gorgeous fem de la fem! thanks again!


Well-Known Member
gyp....catfish...thks...'preciate the encouragement...I'm real happy will the result so far....


Well-Known Member
the setup allows for just one. I suppose in time I could make the effort to wire in another socket and then have both....but fo now I'll keep things as they are. I believe upping to the 200W is going to make a observable difference for the vege chamber. The BigBuds that are in there are looking really awesome....though are dwarfed by the Top44 beastie girl.

Interesting, I spoke with the tech folks, and asked about upping the HPS to 600 but they actually lowered their recommendation from 430W to a super output 400 (Plantastar?) - the measures they did showed the intensity was above the capacity of the plants to use? so I am going to be talking with them this morning about how I might be set up the UVB....not if....but how based on the exsiting wiring etc. I am thinking it is going to have to be on a seperate circuit and timer as the 20-30 minutes every 2-4 hours or whatever I decide will have to be independent of the hps lighting...:blsmoke:
That co2 set-up is going to turn your little plant into a beast. You going to use both lights, or just swap them?


Well-Known Member
thanks Hum.....yuppers....this is gonna be cool....I have the whole CO2 setup ...welll...setup....so I hope I don't kill myself with some silly malfunction or leak or sumthin....but this is gonna be neat. as always....will be keeping everyone updated....and with pics as much as ever. :blsmoke:
Congratulations tahoe, now the real fun begins, she sure is growing, keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
2 Questions? (1) the Top44 plant is exploding in every which direction. there are tons of smaller shoots deep inside the matrix of the entire plant, and everything is just screaming along. I had been thinking that I might LST this plant....but the more I look at it, the more I seem to think that this plant is almost LST'ing all on its own.

I picked up some stainless steel wire yesterday in my short shopping excursion, so I am prepared to do the LST but just not convinced that it is necessary.

(2) cloning this li'l girlie girl? so she's at 7 days of flowering today.....and I have been warned NOT to clone past 3-4 days? of flowering. the risk is that the plant is physiologically in "flowering" and taking clones means they need to be re=programmed back into "vegeing" mode....physiologically. The fact that this plant is doing so well.....and could prove to be a very valuable source plant I am undecided about what to do?

I mean the other reality is I have travel plans for mid February....and then my Australian trip in April...so maybe I should just not complicate things and just concentrate on doing what I'm doing....


Well-Known Member
1. the back of the business end...showing co2 bottle and regulator, and my oil-filled radiator....
2. co2 regulator
3. three individual BigBud @ 25 days vege...
4. three individual BigBud @ 25 days vege.....

these guys realy seem to have been turned on by the 200W cfl....they look soo much better today...than the last few days...though I have also taken peeps advice...and let them dry out too.....



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