Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
Although I don't suppose it makes much difference, but you're only supposed to use Big Bud up to and including week 4 of flower. After that you're meant to switch to Overdrive.

I use most of the Advanced Nutrients products.


Well-Known Member
Although I don't suppose it makes much difference, but you're only supposed to use Big Bud up to and including week 4 of flower. After that you're meant to switch to Overdrive.

Yeah, I don't know if it just the life cycle of the plant, but when it is time to use Overdrive, it is like watching the plants go into another gear...Tahoe, just follow the chart off of Advanced Nutrients web site...


Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe...I didn't know you were using co2 as well, must of missed that.....nice man :) and you have a load of advanced nutrients stashed away as well that you were keeping a secret.....very, very nice :blsmoke:Is the co2 part of your bloom box, or did you add that yourself?


Well-Known Member
looks good, you are the second person i have been talking to about advanced nutes, I think i should check them out they have organics right?


Well-Known Member
good morning folks...thanks for all the traffic....I love verbal traffic...

I understand what you mean...particularly AFTER I went back to all the instructions....hahahahaha.....men don't need instructions right?! anyhow...you're right....the one switchers off for the other....not both together... my6 girls got one feeding with both....you think they'll start glwoing or go atmoci?? :blsmoke:
Although I don't suppose it makes much difference, but you're only supposed to use Big Bud up to and including week 4 of flower. After that you're meant to switch to Overdrive.

I use most of the Advanced Nutrients products.
yup...thanks man...excatly what I am doing.....thanks for your support. :peace:
Although I don't suppose it makes much difference, but you're only supposed to use Big Bud up to and including week 4 of flower. After that you're meant to switch to Overdrive.

Yeah, I don't know if it just the life cycle of the plant, but when it is time to use Overdrive, it is like watching the plants go into another gear...Tahoe, just follow the chart off of Advanced Nutrients web site...
the co2 was integral with the BloomBox. I obviously have no baackground reference....but I am very happy with the way these plants are growing..... I might do a full advance nutrient one next time round....I am going to start that in May......:blsmoke:
Hey Tahoe...I didn't know you were using co2 as well, must of missed that.....nice man :) and you have a load of advanced nutrients stashed away as well that you were keeping a secret.....very, very nice :blsmoke:Is the co2 part of your bloom box, or did you add that yourself?
thanks Kaya....from all I have seen/heard....they have their merit. :blsmoke:
looks good, you are the second person i have been talking to about advanced nutes, I think i should check them out they have organics right?


New Member
I understand what you mean...particularly AFTER I went back to all the instructions....hahahahaha.....men don't need instructions right?! anyhow...you're right....the one switchers off for the other....not both together... my6 girls got one feeding with both....you think they'll start glwoing or go atmoci?
So long as your ec/ppm was ok you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
lights on this morning.....they all turned purple! hahahahahaha...no...they are looking like the princess darling they are! hahahahaha....I could sit and stare at them for hours! thanks for the feedback Skunk! cheers!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice little forest there.

How important is it to have a good seal on your room when useing CO2? And does it really help that much? I have never used CO2 before. I doubt i will in the near future. My grow room is in my home and vents into my home.


Well-Known Member
well I think its fairly important...the seal that is....but the reality is there is passive venting going on as well... that is in my case...there are two separate chambers and within the flower chamber....the light (and its ventilation) are separate from the growing chamber itself.....separated by a pane of glass. So the massive air movement to keep things cool is restricted to the air within the light enclosed chamber...while there is a single fan blowing into the growing chamber to provide freshair. it does not become so called pressurized.....however, the concentration of co2 is automatically monitored, and the co2 blasts are as frequent as needed to maintain 1500ppm (~4-5 times ambient).

I do not have a baseline of growth under no CO2 so have nothing to copmare to....I just know the results that I have and I am pleased with them....I'll post some more pics again later....


Well-Known Member
well I think its fairly important...the seal that is....but the reality is there is passive venting going on as well... that is in my case...there are two separate chambers and within the flower chamber....the light (and its ventilation) are separate from the growing chamber itself.....separated by a pane of glass. So the massive air movement to keep things cool is restricted to the air within the light enclosed chamber...while there is a single fan blowing into the growing chamber to provide freshair. it does not become so called pressurized.....however, the concentration of co2 is automatically monitored, and the co2 blasts are as frequent as needed to maintain 1500ppm (~4-5 times ambient).

I do not have a baseline of growth under no CO2 so have nothing to copmare to....I just know the results that I have and I am pleased with them....I'll post some more pics again later....
wkd man, that's sounds like a cool box with the co2 monitoring and shit :blsmoke:

Looking at your plants, I can only assume it must of helped. They have really grown fast and vigorous with good thick stems, more like a DWC grow, but you're in soil.


Well-Known Member
yea thats right....again....I have little reference...I grew outdoors thirty years ago....and never had anything grow like this before...but thirty years ago was a totally different world as I have come to find out...strains, and genetic modification, indoor technologies, and everything.....I am just pleased with the results.....the smpokability is still to come and I wouldn't even care if it was sh*t....cuz I've been having a blast just doing it!

I am not even using 25% of the functionality of the box really. yes I am doing soil....for a variety of reasons.... but it is what it is. The box is totally set up for hydro with massive automatic/programmed everything....plug it in and leave it some to speak. they told me if I wasn't satisfied that in 6 months, they would buy it back from me....hahahahaha...I think not...you'd have to rip it ourt of my tightclenched fists you would!

Rocky Mountain High

Well-Known Member
I agree, I think the smoke is actually becoming secondary to the 'farming', which I'm enjoying to the fullest!

If I were to get busted I might have to grow a salsa garden or something to satisfy the 'inner farmer' I'm finding inside myself.


New Member
yea thats right....again....I have little reference...I grew outdoors thirty years ago....and never had anything grow like this before...but thirty years ago was a totally different world as I have come to find out...strains, and genetic modification, indoor technologies, and everything.....I am just pleased with the results.....the smpokability is still to come and I wouldn't even care if it was sh*t....cuz I've been having a blast just doing it!

I am not even using 25% of the functionality of the box really. yes I am doing soil....for a variety of reasons.... but it is what it is. The box is totally set up for hydro with massive automatic/programmed everything....plug it in and leave it some to speak. they told me if I wasn't satisfied that in 6 months, they would buy it back from me....hahahahaha...I think not...you'd have to rip it ourt of my tightclenched fists you would!
do you think you would ever consider hydro?


Well-Known Member
tahoe i said this before those plants are killer. not to much longer to go. and for your first indoor grow i dont think anyone could have done better.


Well-Known Member
I prolly will once I get my fill with soil....or maybe not....IDK....right now I am thinking of some other strains to consider.....I love the thought of Blue Moonshine - a narcotic like stone....I really enjoyed smokin' opium many moons ago.....generally I think that hydro is more complex. and greater potential for f*ck-ups......soil I believe is more forgiving....though I might be wrong on that.

I guess theres also the part that I like the idea of plants growing in soil....what I REALLY want to do...is now do an outdoor grow with everything that I have learned in the last 15 months! NOW THAT would be a blast....something like Thai-tanic! or an original haze....the NL x haze cross? hmmm....soo many choices....so much to do and so little time!


Well-Known Member
ya its so hard to pick one so i just went for the color i liked best lol. and that was the g13 armageddon. but good luck.


Well-Known Member
don't know if you saw his but I found a place where it lists over 700+ strains (opps.....just went to take a look and the site has been suspended.....hmmmmm) ... and like someone else said....there really are a few that are foundation but then from there the field is wide open. sort like the horse breeding I have done for years....the foundation genetics come from a half a dozen to a dozen individuals.....and the last 100 years of breeding have been based on those......I am really interested in getting into the breeding of these plants too........so much of a different reward.....a puff, an aroma, a taste, and a colour.....horses/foals - you feed them high quality hay....and they still just produce sh*t....no not really....I love my animals! all plant and animal alike!


New Member
if you have a method down that's working as well as yours it would be hard to change. I am in the same place with seeds, I still have some bc kush seeds left but I would like to try something different. There are just so many choices.
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