Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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Well-Known Member
Hey Tahoe looking dam good brother. Glad to see you got to enjoy some of your hardwork. The first smoke is the best, even if its early. Just knowing you did this, wow I can grow good stuf. I think all of the hardwork makes it that much better, maybe just me.

The clones are looking nice and bushy. Hope they work out even better. I will stay tuned for the next few months.

If you get some time check out my grow.


Let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
thanks logan, skunk and yea dc.....go ahead gloat away......hahahahahahaha! j/k. I looked in on them, and they are really getting funky looking....the bigbud, or parts thereof are getting pretty close. I'll post a couple of pics a little later....cheers! thanks for the continued support!


Well-Known Member
hey crazy.....I'm not sure....bigbud is skunk#1 x viking?

Well, another night of photos forthcoming.....the smells and look of my buds are really starting to scare me....in a good way.....there looks like there will need to be a phased harvest....as some with be mature before others parts.

But first the clones. these are six weeks nowand have had 12-12 now since last weekend. They look different from how the mom looked but they are more astretched I think and I also screwed up the topping just a tad......



Well-Known Member
The bigbud top in your first set of pics is gorgeous tahoe.
The buds that you mentioned looking funny looks to me like they are getting a bit to hot and to close to the lights.
Should still smoke well though:mrgreen:

That stick of big bud though in your first set of top44 pics looks very good,i hope you cloned that one:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hey Nat....thanks.....thats really really nice to hear, I appreciate that! but ahhh....no....didn't clone that one......oopppppsss! hahahahahaha! thanks again for your visit and your thoughts!


Well-Known Member
wow i agree tahoe didnt know big bud looked so good, the top 44 is frostin up nicely too. looks like a veteran job on this grow.


Well-Known Member
hey masta...thanks man! funny that the top44 is BEHIND in schedule than the bigbud....it seems to me that the bigbud will finish BEFORE the top44....but I could prolly list a few things that might have contributed to that....so.....as always, Your Results May Vary......LOL.....hahahahahaha!

A couple more closeups.... the first two are bigbud, and the last one is top44. :blsmoke:



New Member
well done tahoe...the big buds gonna beat the the top44...the clones look like their ready to hit the big light....:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
aw, pruning, the double edged sword. It hurts ur hands after a while and gets tedious, but you have a smile on ur face the whole time hahaha. ENJOY. i followed this journal, checked in every now an then, not always posted but....anyways, congrats! looks fantabuloso


Well-Known Member
PoonBong and YGF and GS....thanks for dropping on in.....these be the short strokes....pruning shears standing in the ready.....I will likely be doing some phased harvest as some of the buds might be ready before others? or how is it that other people address that.....or is this unusual to have a varied maturity across the plant? As PonnBong said....the Bigbud is likely gonna be finished before the top44.....this is gonna be cool....I am SOOOO excited!
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