Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
naw ... just giving myself time to rotate and crop the photos, make em smaller so they be easier to upload ..sorry .... I'm just loading up all of em now ....


Well-Known Member
very very nice... how much longer do you expect them to go? Seems as if she wants a week or two more until she finishes. I know nothing of this strain, so I am unsure of the characteristics, just see a lot of white pistils still. Either way you will be enjoying your own buds sooner than I will. +rep for starting early.


Well-Known Member
many thanks everyone. I sincerely appreciate your visits and thoughts. Peace to All.

BH - I'm really not sure. I have been saying a couple more weeks for a ...couple of weeks ... or so it seems ..... but I have no need tpo rush .... and I am willing to give her the time she needs. I still remember fdd finishing off some, can't remember what strain one of his specialities though, raft, hijack or roadtrip .... and he just kept commenting the same thing ... this thing just keeps pumping out new hairs every day, after day after day .... when he finally said .... she's done .... I will just keep an eye on her. As I said this AM in an earlier post, the trich are only now turning cloudy. How long does the shift from Clear to Cloudy to Amber generally take. I have not monitored this in the past and just relied upon my own judgement. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
hey oscar .... much appreciate your visit. and thanks for the positive feedback .... I be keeping a close eye now ..... do you have any ideas about the time to progress from clear to cloudy to amber? just curious .... Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
I took my last grow early but my previous one it happened almost overnight. it probably depends on the strain. Thats only my opinion


Well-Known Member
She looks really good!

My trichs are often at different stages (new ones clear, old ones cloud up a bit) because of this I have harvested with most cloudy, some amber and still some are clear. I think harsher conditions will make them change faster, but this is just a thought.

I checked my K-train last night that should be done Sunday, and in my quick look, could not find a single amber...so I may be in the same boat as you.

Also, I have noticed that they continue to change through drying (hence my thought on bad conditions) So I take this into consideration when I harvest, and cut with only like 10% amber (I need no help with sleep as long as I smoke, generally)



Well-Known Member
its interesting the breadth of choices by various growers .... you see 80-20 and 70-30 and 60-40 ..... I didn't even bother to look last time .... I'll just keep a close watch .... thanks for sharing your thoughts! Walk on!~~