Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
great man .... appreciate the visit, and the compliments. As well, your thoughts on the drying. I was just seeing this big cola as being difficult to dry because it is so dense? but then maybe its not that big a problem. It should work out fine. I am still expecting to leave her standing for a few more days and maybe a week, not sure. Just keep watching, one of these days she'll feel ready. thanks again. Walk On!~~~~
First comment here. Great grow. But do not use a dehydrator on that bud. I have dehydrated a lot of bud recently. It works fine for drying quick nugs to test the potency of the plant, but it ruins the taste and makes it a super harsh smoke. Also tends to over dry the bud making it crumble between your fingers. If you decide to dehydrate bud, I have found through much testing that letting it go at 90-95F for 24 hours does it the best. Any higher heat seems to greatly effect the potency. Hope this helps. And again, fantastic grow.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking...Its almost smoking time....

I saw an interesting tidbit in last months high times....Canada literally means Canabis


Well-Known Member
It be getting there ... I am a little at a loss at to exactly when to say nuf'is'nuf .... but day by day still for now .... :weed:

Re: Naming of Canada .... not my recollection?

The origin of the name "Canada" comes from the expedition of explorer Jacques Cartier up the St. Lawrence River in 1535. The Iroquois pointing out the route to the village of Stadacona, the future site of Quebec City, used the word "kanata," the Huron-Iroquois word for village. Jacques Cartier used the word Canada to refer to both the settlement of Stadacona and the land surrounding it subject to Chief Donnacona.
Nice looking...Its almost smoking time....

I saw an interesting tidbit in last months high times....Canada literally means Canabis


Well-Known Member
that I have missed, my bad .... I will have to go out an check said hog-bound-biatch .... Walk on!!~~

mr west

Well-Known Member
sorry for jus askin on ur thread, sometimes wen im stoned I lose the art of being social lol. Also im better at appologising than suggesting lol.


Well-Known Member
tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock-tick-tock ...... geezzsshhhhh ..... this girl, she gonna take foreva! Walk ing On!!~~


Well-Known Member
Welcome to my nightmare .... ok not really, but I still like Alice Cooper of yore .... :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:


Ok, so what we're really here for (...well I guess I'm really only speaking for myself .... ), another slide show, a continuation of the Top44 bitch that just keeps chugging it !! And pumping out the volume .... :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:




Well-Known Member
hahahaha ... many grand thank yous to you and your doctoredness .... cheers man ... its gonna be a wickedsmoke ..... Walking On!!~~~~~


Well-Known Member
Tahoe55 passed on awhile ago - it was peaceful. Tahoe 58 on the otherhand is alive and kicking, so will be glad to reply to your polite request. I'll try and do that today or tomorrow. In the meantime here's the last shot I caught of her with the lights off and her pants down ... she was caught flirting and rubbing noses with that young-teen-biatch MissMystery. No harm was done, they were just "exploring" each other. That was Monday. they're both on a very short leash now ..... hahahaha! Walk On!!~~~~ :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:
Hello Tahoe55 could you make a few pics.of top44, with entire plant on it:?::!: Thanx:!:
+rep 4top44:lol:



Well-Known Member
ok ok ok ...so its class time. everyone please sit down. we do not need to do role call. I expect some of u are out back smoking a blunt at the moment. no worries, hope you can join us in a minute. I has a little side by side comparo here this morning ... same bud at different stages of her growth ... and the last photo being from last night at lights out .... any mindshattering and profound thoughts on her chop date? I'll take tasteful quips as well. Or solemn poetry ... this is a creative class ...please use your imagination .... I'll be back in a few ... yes I need to go fill a bowl and torch it .... Prof. need their medicine too huh?!! Walk on!!~~~~~~

The pics are from July 30, August 2, August 4 and August 7 ....



mr west

Well-Known Member
I is here Mr Tahoe58, sorry to here about young tahoe55, was he ill or was it sudden? Top44 is looking top draw. Loving the foxtails :D:D:D:O:O:O:D:D:D


Well-Known Member
Saturday morning sun is shining and I seem to be the only fool in class ... oh well, I'll leave the assignment on the the board and hopefully someone will have some thoughts or a creative epiphany sometime later .. Walking On!!~~~~~~