Tahoe's TGA+HPS+UVB+CO2 = LaMonstroGooey


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha ... good one ... see I knew we amazed in a good way ... somewyasome how ... lol! thanks Babs ... see how easy it is to make a man's day ... lol! ****passing the bong loaded for bear with ThermoNuclearDairyQueen**** Bonging Alonging !!!~~~~~
We'll just blame it on the ThermoNuclearDairyQueen and call it a day. :wink:


Well-Known Member
well it wasn't boinging along ... no no not boinging along .... ! then maybe we could blame something someone else .... but blame isn't really in my book ....


Well-Known Member
it's my fault. Absolutely. I completely agree. And with that ****after passing the bong to TLD**** I'll be Walking On!!~~~~ (on SunShine)



Well-Known Member
you should come soon.... I am going to break out a special bottle of wine for the occasion (I almost never drink)...... harvest is soon ;)


Well-Known Member
I am planning some travels from Oct. 24 through early November ... ? A Harvest Tour .... but won't be driving the JohnDeere ... prolly suthin a little more comfortable. The closest I'll come to bringing DaisyMae along will be as my Avatar on my laptop! lol!


Well-Known Member
This is fukin priceless too ..... no mo milk left for the people ... for anyone .... 25% unemployment and rising ...



Well-Known Member
it is a sad and scary situation ... but as with everything else ... there is a path ... we might just not like it very much. The economies of world and global capital markets could give a fuk if we like it or not. This situation was built over decades and will (continue to) unravel. I was overleveraged in 2003-04, and as circumstances were, went bankrupt in 2005 in conjuction with my divorce at the time. Being debt free is the best thing in the world, I forgot what that is like. I have adjust my needs, and wants ,and wished for ... the world has not experienced the types of events we currently have ... I don't think anyone can really say what our path forward is. In my view this is history in the making ... but then I'm really high ... walking on!!~~~~~~~


Well-Known Member
banning money/currency has always been my stance.... ethics, morals, principles, conduct those to be the new "value system to be established" but alas.... we have all already played into their hands.....


Well-Known Member
Any "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" watchers here?

They had a great new episode Thursday night that was a good analogy for our govt's economic "solution."


Well-Known Member
hey folks many thanks for the visits and thoughts. Westie ... luv them pics ... I am so so so at home in nature .... no wonder I am gonna like going back to living in my log cabin and still growing my own weed .... though will prolly have to rely on Mr.Sunshine .... instead of our "contrived" sunshine ...


Well-Known Member
Sunday evening chill down ... double espresso after dinner and some top44 and DairyQueen to layer the sgar coating ... I'ma luvin this ...



Well-Known Member
hey man thanks for dropping on in, I need to take some photos of the girlies buddage again ... maybe tomorrow. I'ma liking my smokin'Sunday evening ... :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: