Take a look and help explain


This is my very first grow and I am trying to do it cheap. I am using seeds that I picked out of a sack from a while back. 2 different types. They are not the greatest but i figure i would start small. Anyway could someone tell me what is wrong with the first plant? The taller stronger looking one seems to be ok but i just want some input as to what sex it may be. Thanks in advance.



Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I think the biggest problem is the tin foil cutting off the O2 from the tops of the containers, and exacerbating the heat stress. If you want to reflect light back up safely, put a layer of pearlite on top of the soil.


The tin was added just a few days ago because i noticed the soil getting green algae on top. They were looking like this before but i will take it off and add some pearlite.
what should i do about and algae problem? What about the taller one. Does it look like it may be a male? I hope not.


Well-Known Member
This is my very first grow and I am trying to do it cheap. I am using seeds that I picked out of a sack from a while back. 2 different types. They are not the greatest but i figure i would start small. Anyway could someone tell me what is wrong with the first plant? The taller stronger looking one seems to be ok but i just want some input as to what sex it may be. Thanks in advance.
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View attachment 534898
No way to tell sex from those pics.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... algae on the soil, eh? Either you're overwatering them, or the humidity is too high.

Definitely get that foil off the soil. No good can come of that =)

Get a feel for how heavy the pots are when the soil is dry (they'll be much lighter than they are after they've been watered) and make sure you let them dry out COMPLETELY between waterings.


Well-Known Member
most likely the algee is from watering too much and too moist of soil. How often are you watering? Are you letting them dry out a bit before watering. Also effecting the plants overall. Weed thrives when you let it dry a bit and the roots get some air. Think of it like your yard weeds. They thrive when it's a dry hot summer and grass shows heat stress. One way of looking at it is if you water about every 4,5 or 6 days when you think it's time to water give it an extra day. The best way to tell when time to water is feel how heavy the pot is just after watering. Then when/notice about how light the pot is for water time. My guess you have knats along with the algae or will soon unless you get the watering down.


New Member
most likely the algee is from watering too much and too moist of soil. How often are you watering? Are you letting them dry out a bit before watering. Also effecting the plants overall. Weed thrives when you let it dry a bit and the roots get some air. Think of it like your yard weeds. They thrive when it's a dry hot summer and grass shows heat stress. One way of looking at it is if you water about every 4,5 or 6 days when you think it's time to water give it an extra day. The best way to tell when time to water is feel how heavy the pot is just after watering. Then when/notice about how light the pot is for water time. My guess you have knats along with the algae or will soon unless you get the watering down.
yes this is true, im growing in a peat moss mixture n i had gnats but go rid of them with some shit from the hydro shop but retaining water is not good could cause root rot also..


Well-Known Member
I'm retaining water right now and it pisses me off.

I can imagine how your plants must feel.


Sorry it took so long to reply. i removed the tin and have moved them to another room which is a little cooler. and i have been very careful to let them dry more. they are looking much better. the only that sux is i am using miracle-gro moisture control. i think that may be why the soil is getting green. i am afraid to transplant seeing as how this is my first grow. Like i said they look better so ill see what happens from here. Thanks again for your help.