take a look at these?! what do you think


k well i have 12 plants, started all from seeds. not sure what the gender of them are yet. i know i have one female for sure so far!

but look, theres a few leaves on a few plants im not sure whats going on with..
this one, half of one leave curls up??

theres a few leaves like that..

and this, theres some droopy leaves.. i have been watching my watering! i water like once every 2 days. i didnt think that was too much, but we will see now that i have plants in bigger pots.

and this is where they are right now, i have 3 in a container. i sprouted them and ended up grouping them into 3s. kinda wish i didnt because i cant sepeerate them the roots are too combined together now...
and thats cinnamon on the leaves making them a little brownish dont worry lol


Well-Known Member
pic 1 = looks like something ate part of the leaf early on and now its just pulling to one side, no problem here really.

your plants look healthy, the 2 on the right look a barley over watered but they're totally fine so don't worry about it. they're looking nice good work


Well-Known Member
a little more info would really help, like nutrients feeding and how often? PH? just at a glance it looks like a toxicity, or deficiency caused by a lockout, and or PH is off.


well the soil mixture is about 60/40, organic soil/ miracle grow soil.
i havent added any kinda nutrients yet. im not exactly sure what to add. thats why i have been surfing these pages for the last days.. lol.
and so there are a few more leaves like that first one, just pluck them off???
thanks guys!!!


Well-Known Member
i would say that they are hungry then...a good balanced nutrient should do the trick...i use fox farms liquid trio and soluble trio.


alright so whats a good product i should use?? im looking to go all organic so whatever you guys thinks best for these little guys let me know!! thanks:)


and whats a thrip???
Google it and take a look at some pics. They are really small flea like animals. They have a snout that pokes into your leaves and sucks out the juice leaving behind little "track marks" along the veins of the leaves.

First you'll notice a strange metallic looking sheen to your leaves. Soon after you'll notice the track marks. You may or may not have thrips but that leaf that grew in funky on one side isn't from a thrip. But virus' are carried by thrips.. so it's possible. Break out a magnifying lens and check the underside of your leaves.

This is pretty severe thrip damage
